Bending leaf?!


Well-Known Member
no offence it just looks like something is a foot there. either overwatred or it needs food judging by the drooping and paleness. maybe pop it on the uk thread for someone to look at tbh as im not a soil grower.


Active Member
Nothing wrong with it my AK-47 did that all the time with new growth...all's good, nothing to be to concerned about.

Well-Known Member
Cheers guys! I'll post up a few pics* over a few days n let everyone bash away...I gotta say, all my worrying, and they look mighty today!

Well-Known Member
Aye so am I; bad for 2 things - picking, and forgetting to check them! Polar opposites. I must get some picks up. It's just my first proper grow and I'll be honest, forums get very convoluted ya know, so I'm wary about putting up a journal and getting endless conflicting advice. I'd kinda prefer to bash away until there's something I haven't a fucking clue about! (which is A LOT). But it's good trawling and reading, lot's of good stuff up.


Well-Known Member
very true mate. i did the same on my first grow with a little lowryder under a cfl and it got me hooked!

Well-Known Member
How you get past the nerves?! lol, the UK isn't exactly too supportive of the whole affair. Most people aren't too realistic about it either.


Well-Known Member
How you get past the nerves?! lol, the UK isn't exactly too supportive of the whole affair. Most people aren't too realistic about it either.
its a calculated risk mate if you ask me. im only small time anyway with only four in a 1.2 m tent. lots of ppl are doing it at the end of the day and as long as you dont tell everyone then chances of getting caught with an op of that calibre is very slim. dont get me wrong i do get a little para at times but its irrational fear.

Well-Known Member

R.D at 15 days today...for a dwarf they look to be awful big, what you's think? Those pots are a foot across!
Height varies from 4.3" to 5.8"...


Well-Known Member
autos under a 400w will still gain some size. they are programmed to flower at a certain age no matter what so they will never be able to grow as tall as regular strains. have you seen any pre flowers yet?

Well-Known Member
Oh aye, they're automatically delimited, which is why I want auto's for a while. Nah no pre-flowers at the moment! I'm comparing it to another grow I've seen that's about 4 days ahead of mine, and it's compact and bushy...very fine, but a bit taller. But I have heard that the Royal Dwarf has a couple of pheno's, so perhaps they're just different.


Well-Known Member
Oh aye, they're automatically delimited, which is why I want auto's for a while. Nah no pre-flowers at the moment! I'm comparing it to another grow I've seen that's about 4 days ahead of mine, and it's compact and bushy...very fine, but a bit taller. But I have heard that the Royal Dwarf has a couple of pheno's, so perhaps they're just different.
yeh it depends on the breeders and you will get variations from seed no matter what. dont forget you are only just past the two week mark as well!! you will start to see the side branching growth soon leading to a more bushy plant that you're talking about. dont stress or compare too much matey;) keep em green and you'll be very pleased with the end result!

Well-Known Member

Plants 2, 1, 4 and 3 respectively. Day 21 yesterday, what ya's think?

...why I can't get in the habit of fully taking pic's without the HPS, I have no idea...:dunce: