Bending leaf?!


Well-Known Member
I know I would say this but again, something looks a little off with them. The second one looks nice n green but there's some leaf curl and stuff going on there. Whats your ph at? Maybe someone else could chime in with an opinion.

Well-Known Member
It must be the pH...they are over 10" now, and smell rich and lovely. Other than that I'm not too sure unfortunately...

Well-Known Member
Yeah pH is a bit whack...not by loads, but it def would be the problem. A mild lock-out maybe? But then that is pH problems...I unfortunately can't afford a pH pen at the moment, although that's what I need. Just litmus paper at the moment - which only gives ranges and not intricacies. pH + and - I hear is good to buy...
Any handy tips (without expenditure - at present) for sorting out pH? I know your a Hydro guy Dime, so it mightn't apply! I dunno...and yeah - I feckin hope they're far from dead!


Well-Known Member
well if they smell thats allways a good thing. yeh get a ph pen mate! even though its only a bit off it will impact your results so i would get on it asap. you can get one off ebay for quite cheap. another cheaper option would be to get a liquid ph tester in the mean time. you will get an accurate result from them compared to the litmus paper.

Well-Known Member
Fuckin' A...will have to. Time Tough as Toots said, but i'll have to make it work. What's the craic with yourself? Have you had to get rid of everything?


Well-Known Member
Fuckin' A...will have to. Time Tough as Toots said, but i'll have to make it work. What's the craic with yourself? Have you had to get rid of everything?
no mate mine are still going :) ive got six inches of room left in my tent so im having to bend the branches which isnt ideal this far into flower. ill grab some pics later so you can have a gander.

Well-Known Member
I always wondered about height problems, will that stress the plants in any way? Yeah stick them up fella, I'd love to see!


Well-Known Member
well it all depends on the strain. this delahaze ive got is 70 pecent sativa and boy did they stretch. the bending will stress em a little but ive seen people do it this late in so it should be ok.

Well-Known Member
2013-04-15 11.18.04.jpg2013-04-15 11.19.19.jpg

Just 2...the other 2 are somewhat behind now as I had to deal with pH problems that caused lockout of magnesium. But epsom salts has helped! They are a bit stunted as a result, but back on the vertical horse now...

The 2 pics are the 2 that I've just switched to flowering nutes (1/4 strength). I was waiting until their growth slowed down significantly, and for dwarfs they've hit the 60cm mark and then some! So bar the deficiency I'm happy for a first grow....