Yeah I used to run an ozone generator long ago to control odor. At the levels required to control odor it was disintegrating rubbers and plastics in the room lol. Grommets would crack and leak... No fun. And it's definitely not healthy for you or plants if at high levels.
............. It can be a good disinfectant but the levels required cause the aforementioned issues.
I know this is in an older thread, but it came up when I searched 'ozone'.
They are now using Ozone in the air in greenhouses. They claim that by distributing ozone in the greenhouse with the existing CO2 system, fungi in the greenhouse can also be controlled. they say that Ozone is a residue-free way of treating fungi. It therefore should leave no traces on your product. The distribution of ozone in the greenhouse reduces mold pressure by around 50%. (their words, not mine)
But it shows that they are still working with it.
So far it are huge machines and it is not for us growers.
The greenhouse growers also use it a lot to treat the drainwater. It cleans it up before they start reusing it, or before it goes in the sewer.
I also read some articles from people who use ozone distributed in their ponds. It does not harm their expensive Koi and also not the waterplants.
All the info is a bit (a lot) to hard for me to understand, but I will wait till I read more and more stories and the amount of Ozone one would need.