Benefits of marriage, from a direct source (married people)


Well-Known Member
Should I get married? I've heard it's very beneficial to ones health, also ones psyche. I'd assume that's right, as it seems to make sense. But do you, as a married individual feel this is correct? Do you feel your spouse enhances your life? Why? How? What does he/she do to ensure your life is better? What do you do to ensure the same?

I seriously would love to get married some day, to some wonderful woman I'd never know anything about otherwise.. but from my experiences, that's nothing but an illusion.. Did you feel the same way when you were younger? What changed? Do you still feel the same way? Older, haven't met anyone yet like you thought you might have?..

..From a womans perspective.. what are the most important things to you when it comes to marriage? Are you preparing for your future by subconsciously selecting a partner?

I have been married for a few months now and I feel our bond is stronger. We share way more and have more in common now too cuz its our life together. On the flip side all the cliche things are true. Sex life reduced a little and she speaks her mind more which sometimes I wish she wouldn't.. lol. It's something that always needs to be worked constantly but if you are in love the juice is definitely worth the sqeeze.

One question I have is what happens come tax time? Do we recieve more benefits or less?


Active Member
I'm 32, have been with my girl since we were both 16 and we have three beautiful and healthy children together.

We have no intention of getting married, ever. We have discussed marriage several times over the years but do not see the point, if it aint broke........


Well-Known Member
Marriage means something different for everyone. Been married about 18 months now, together for 5 years total. For us it means a journey through life that we don't have to do alone. My wife and I are closer than we've ever been. Our relationship is alittle different than most. We don't have alot in common as I'm a mixed mutt white boy and she's full blood toking hot Han Chinese so our relationship is very old school and simple. Which works to our advantage as we only talk and care about the simple and important things in life. Neither one of us could have imagined this is how our lives would have turned out. Now neither one of us could imagine our lives any different. Every relationship has different dynamics. Sometimes those dynamics do not equal a healthy marriage. I hope everyone can find someone to journey through life with as I did.

the night owl

Active Member
my best friend recently married a wonderful woman who he's been with for 6 years. I haven't talked to him about it, but I can tell he was WAY happier before they got married. she's having a field day using his last name, and he drinks now. on one hand, they were made for each other. on the other hand, it seems like they ruined a good thing by getting married. I have no intention of ever getting married, but I still hope to find that special someone. I could get used to being "tied down" if I love her enough to spend the rest of my life with her, but I'm not fucking up the relationship by getting married. I can't speak from experience, but I've seen enough couples walk the plank to know that everything changes when the honeymoon is over.


Well-Known Member
Been together for 32 years , ups and downs a plenty ... got married 15 yrs ago because the kids wanted us to ... legal reasons.. less hassel to them as they get older they said lol.
I would do anything for that woman, she is the reason I get up everyday .. to spend another day in wonderland. Sure there are times .. lol, but it's how you deal with them that matters .... and I will say the old saying .. never go to bed angry with each other is correct. Beneficial to one's health .. I would say so lol both eating and exercise lol ...

happy growin


Ursus marijanus
I am not currently married, but I liked it. Imo the key is to marry someone whom you really truly like, and to have a durable channel of communication. If you feel able/motivated to talk about whatever comes up, and listen to each other, that's a decent leading indicator for success. Jmo. cn

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
I've been married 36yrs we have three grown up children and two grand children, we have been together since we were eighteen. When we first got married we were broke we literally had nothing, on times it would have been easier to have separated and go back home to our parents but we loved and wanted to be together so much we stuck it out. We have had some bad times and some good, we have laughed and cried together, and our lives have been all the better for having each other. Now we look back on all the hard times and appreciate what we have now, we both worked hard or what weve got and our children are good caring people who love and care for their partners. I can't imagine my life without my husband I would be truly lost, I'm having treatment for breat cancer my moods are all over the place, and my husband puts up with a lot but he makes me feel safe and I know he will always be their for me. So I would say marriage is a wonderful thing, it's not easy and it requires a lot of hard work, patience, understanding and give and take but it's worth it.


Well-Known Member
I look at it like this, would you play Russian Roullette with three bullets in the wheel? I got very lucky and am 12 years into a great marriage. Trying at times, of course, but never for more than a day or two. You work through shit, and promise to be together, so like the person you marry. Over 50% end in divorce, so be careful. No one goes into marriage thinking they will divorce (except golddigging whores). Divorce tears most people apart and changes them forever. For men, it is especially painful and financially crippling for a good percentage of your life. So be damn careful and know who you are dealing with.


Well-Known Member
I've been married for 25 years, and together another 2 years. I told my wife when I met her I couldn't ever see myself with anyone for more then 10 years. If you find the right person, it's great (most of the time). If she's not right, you'll have a miserable life. Choose wisely, young grasshoppers!

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Marriage is worth it if you really know the person. If you see that potential in them, grab hold and never let go.


Well-Known Member
Im 43 been with mine like 21 tears oops i meant years.
Been a lot of up`s and downs mostly due to me being a fucker.
Long story short now that we no longer hate each others faces, which may happen from time to time.
I really love the simple fact that we have no more drama, she knows me and understands me and accepts it.
For me we have moved beyond this is her and she is my wife. She really is like an old dog. I couldnt bear to put her down.


Active Member
Been with my wife for about 14 years been married 5 years have our good times and bad but what don't kill you makes you stronger.
Only got married coz we had the cash at the time but would never change a thing about our time together good or bad.
We share every thing together the wife is mellow she dosn't smoke any thing but don't bother if i smoke a good marrage is never easy but that just gives you somthing to talk about and work shit out together.
Would like to say some people change when they get married my friend got married 2 years ago his wife became a super bitch he was not aloud to go out with the boys or go to his bros so they only lasted 6 months but you don't know till you give it a go so i say jump in with both feet and see if you sink or swim.


Active Member
Benefits some one to wash your back and scrach that bit you have to rub on the wall coz you can't reach that ichy bit on your back lol.


Well-Known Member
Next month being together with my girl for 20 years, not married and no kids :)
Best 20 years of my life. We are free to do what we like any moment so imo i have to do my duty as man otherwise its easy to go away. No divorce no lawyers, most marriage goes down because people take eachother for granted and stop working to keep your relation healthy. From al my friends im the only one with the same girl as when we were young. The rest is paying childsupport.
So my advice dont marry and just be happy. If you got happy from marriage> marry.
Its overrated, if you arent happy before you wont be after.