bernie and jane are lawyering up!

"According to Turner, the allegations he related to Toensing were based on a conversation he had with three local bankers. But he described that conversation as “hearsay” and added, “There’s no way I’d file a complaint or anything like that.” He said that he could not identify the person who made the initial allegation about Sanders, and that he has not been contacted by investigators.

Toensing, who was also President Donald Trump’s campaign chairperson in Vermont, said in a statement that Turner approached him on 21 May 2016 saying that a former executive for People’s Bank had told him that Sanders’ office “had pressured the bank to make the loan and he felt it was improper.” Toensing also said:

  • At one point, I asked Mr. Turner if he would reconsider giving me the banker’s name and he said he would get back to me. When he got back to me he said he had checked with the other two people at the lunch and said he did not feel comfortable sharing the executive’s name because he did not want to get him involved.
Turner, though, said that none of the bankers he spoke to had “firsthand knowledge” of the loan in question, or whether the Democratic presidential candidate contacted the bank:

  • They said that they were aware or had heard that Bernie’s office had helped get that loan — and that was it. It was just a hearsay, general conversation.
Toensing's statement, Turner said, was “a lot more pointed than anything I said based on a conversation.”

Yet Fogdog says anyone who dare even question the legitimacy of this case is giving the Sanders' a "free pass", and that I'm a hypocrite because the DNC didn't break the law yet I condemn them for contributing to the Democratic party loss (as most sane individuals without bias do) against Trump.

DNC gives us Trump, Jane Sanders possibly attained a bank loan to extend a school... No, I mean, totally equal allegations, absolutely equal consequences! Complete fucking retard.
"According to Turner, the allegations he related to Toensing were based on a conversation he had with three local bankers. But he described that conversation as “hearsay” and added, “There’s no way I’d file a complaint or anything like that.” He said that he could not identify the person who made the initial allegation about Sanders, and that he has not been contacted by investigators.

Toensing, who was also President Donald Trump’s campaign chairperson in Vermont, said in a statement that Turner approached him on 21 May 2016 saying that a former executive for People’s Bank had told him that Sanders’ office “had pressured the bank to make the loan and he felt it was improper.” Toensing also said:

  • At one point, I asked Mr. Turner if he would reconsider giving me the banker’s name and he said he would get back to me. When he got back to me he said he had checked with the other two people at the lunch and said he did not feel comfortable sharing the executive’s name because he did not want to get him involved.
Turner, though, said that none of the bankers he spoke to had “firsthand knowledge” of the loan in question, or whether the Democratic presidential candidate contacted the bank:

  • They said that they were aware or had heard that Bernie’s office had helped get that loan — and that was it. It was just a hearsay, general conversation.
Toensing's statement, Turner said, was “a lot more pointed than anything I said based on a conversation.”

Yet Fogdog says anyone who dare even question the legitimacy of this case is giving the Sanders' a "free pass", and that I'm a hypocrite because the DNC didn't break the law yet I condemn them for contributing to the Democratic party loss (as most sane individuals without bias do) against Trump.

DNC gives us Trump, Jane Sanders possibly attained a bank loan to extend a school... No, I mean, totally equal allegations, absolutely equal consequences! Complete fucking retard.

i'm gonna laugh my ass off when jane is convicted and bernie has to sell some of his three homes to pay the fines.
lol listen to this guy. A grown ass man that hangs out in the politics section of a weed forum commiserating with the same 4 dipshits day in and day out....calling someone else a loser.

Fucking hilarious!
lol listen to this guy. A grown ass man that hangs out in the politics section of a weed forum commiserating with the same 4 dipshits day in and day out....calling someone else a loser.

Fucking hilarious!
This is all true. and hilarious too. But then again, you are the one who just flew in to take a shit and leave.

Selective amnesia. Bernie's babies certainly suffer from it. Very much behaving like the entitled white men that they are.
From that Snopes article:

The issue at hand:
The claim is Sen. Sanders pressured a bank to approve an application for a $6.5 million loan his wife filed in 2010, when she was president of Burlington College. Toensig also accused O’Meara Sanders of loan fraud in January 2016, saying that she overstated the amount of donations the college received by $2 million while applying for the loan. The college closed in May 2016.

If Sanders did that, it was a corrupt act in the legal definition of the term. Not saying he did it. Not saying this is an unfair smear. It is true every time a politician is charged, the first response is to say not true and fake charges. So, on either side, what is said to the media has to be quarantined as suspect and perhaps bullshit. The allegations seem serious.

The investigation has been started and it's existence has been broadcast to the entire universe, we can only wait and see what develops. Stopping the investigation now would be as suspicious as the way it was started.
>I said the DNC contributed to Trump's win

>You don't seem to realize that. Progressives are popular, establishment Democrats aren't. If we come to your side, we won't win. The only way to win is if you come to our side. If we don't win because you refuse to come to our side on issues like universal healthcare and a living wage, it will be your fault.

>Sander's boys rigged the election for Trump. This in spite of Saint Bernard's endorsement of Clinton.

>You threaten that Bernie's boys will do the same if people with other viewpoints don't tow the line.

That is Bernie's boys right. Doesn't mean I agree but it is their right.

But you again are trying to change the subject away from your hypocrisy.

Sanders is being investigated for pressuring a bank to to give his wife a 6 million dollar loan. From the above, you are saying "drop the investigation or we will ensure 2018 goes to Republicans".

Fucking hypocrite.
We the People are not obligated to vote for either major party. This is even more true if they stubbornly refuse to represent our needs.

What's happening on the Left today is a struggle between Progressives who want to see change in taxes, corporate governance and healthcare and an establishment Democratic Party that likes the status quo and sees no need to change things- even if they keep losing.
I'm not blindly following Sanders, I'm addressing a baseless smear tactic introduced by a Trump subordinate based on hearsay. If Sanders did anything unethical I would be the first person to criticize him because I actually hold the politicians I support accountable if they support or pass something progressives don't. Meanwhile, establishment Democrats give free passes to the politicians they support who can pass single payer in a state with a Democratic majority and a Democratic governor while claiming they still support it out of the other side of their mouth in the next breath.

And again, I've never been a part of the witch hunt against Clinton or her emails (neither has Sanders). There are plenty of policy positions Clinton holds (or held) to levy legitimate criticisms against her, there is no need to make things up when you can simply talk about her voting record in the Senate to prove she's not a progressive. The same applies to Trump, except you can't really criticize his Federal Reserve pick or economic advisors because establishment Democrats pick from the same pool of Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, etc. executives.

Everyone gives free passes to those whom they support, analogous to sports teams and their players.

I equally criticize any public figure who deserves it. But it appears many of you don't, and that's ok. But then should not be surprise when someone calls you out for it.

I agree, Clinton is not as progressive as people would like, but then again she IS NO LONGER IN OFFICE. So let's move on, let's focus on people who have committed ACTUAL crimes.

Hashtag, just sayin.