bernie and jane are lawyering up!


The above was posted after Bernie lost the primary to Clinton by double digit margins in the south, where more than half Democratic Party voters are black.

"Hllary won the Confederacy".

Yup, says it all.

The above was posted after Bernie lost the primary to Clinton by double digit margins in the south, where more than half Democratic Party voters are black.

"Hllary won the Confederacy".

Yup, says it all.
What does it say about you that you hate the actual progressives we support? (against Republicans)
You hate them because we support them, not because of the policy positions they support, which align with you 90% of the time.
Actually @Fogdog doesn't hate them. In fact he has stated numerous times he quite likes and even supported Bernard, he just doesn't like the alt-left around here supporting Bernard now. Go ahead and say I am giving him blowjobs for pointing that out though.
How do you reconcile the belief that Fogdog supports Sanders but doesn't support the people pushing for his policy positions?

Not only does he not support them he actively campaigns against them.
What does it say about you that you hate the actual progressives we support? (against Republicans)
You hate them because we support them, not because of the policy positions they support, which align with you 90% of the time.
I hate racists. Pure and simple. I don't know if Bernie is one but a whole lot of his supporters, such as you, Pad, are. You aren't progressive, you are just a white supremacist in larval stages of development.

Remember that fake story you related how Wasserman-Schultz coordinated a smear campaign that called Bernie an atheist. You know the smear campaign you were so angry about that never happened?

It's been clear to me for quite some time that you and tty have been infected by fake news. Here's an interesting story about one person's experience when he challenged Bernie's boyz to stop with the fake news.

Dear Bernie supporters: Stop sharing posts from dumpster fire websites.

UPDATE (6/21): I was totally banned from the group Bernie Believers [Bernie Sanders] last night because of this story. After around 200 likes, the story was deleted. Upon repost, the individual was removed from the group — so I reposted it and was also removed from the group. This is a pretty solid case for admins/mods being part of the spam.

His ending comments:
Guys, I sincerely love you. I love your passion. I love your fire. I love all of that. But when 400 people are circle-jerking clickbait links in between wondering how Hillary Clinton is behind the FEMA Earthquake drill that happens on several days with one of them being primary day?

Holy shit.

You are allowing yourselves to be manipulated. Through the practice of taking anything that agrees with your opinion at face value, actively refusing to believe anything but what agrees with your narrative and following that up with blatant disregard for doing two minutes of searching to verify the information: you become the myopic Trump supporter that you so vocally loathe.

Unless more individuals are willing to take a little time to bring the narrative back up out of the Coast to Coast AM/Daily Mail/Weekly World News level of information sharing: you will quite literally be a portion of the reason that this movement stalls as you spread yourself thin over information and infractions that never existed in the first place.

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How do you reconcile the belief that Fogdog supports Sanders but doesn't support the people pushing for his policy positions?

Not only does he not support them he actively campaigns against them.

You are allowing yourselves to be manipulated. Through the practice of taking anything that agrees with your opinion at face value, actively refusing to believe anything but what agrees with your narrative and following that up with blatant disregard for doing two minutes of searching to verify the information: you become the myopic Trump supporter that you so vocally loathe.

closing comment by me: You've become the myopic Republican useful idiot that I now loathe.
I hate racists. Pure and simple. I don't know if Bernie is one but a whole lot of his supporters, such as you, Pad, are. You aren't progressive, you are just a white supremacist in pupal stages of development.

Remember that fake story you related how Wasserman-Schultz coordinated a smear campaign that called Bernie an atheist. You know the smear campaign you were so angry about that never happened?

It's been clear to me for quite some time that you and tty have been infected by fake news. Here's an interesting story about one person's experience when he challenged Bernie's boyz to stop with the fake news.

Dear Bernie supporters: Stop sharing posts from dumpster fire websites.

UPDATE (6/21): I was totally banned from the group Bernie Believers [Bernie Sanders] last night because of this story. After around 200 likes, the story was deleted. Upon repost, the individual was removed from the group — so I reposted it and was also removed from the group. This is a pretty solid case for admins/mods being part of the spam.

His ending comments:
Guys, I sincerely love you. I love your passion. I love your fire. I love all of that. But when 400 people are circle-jerking clickbait links in between wondering how Hillary Clinton is behind the FEMA Earthquake drill that happens on several days with one of them being primary day?

Holy shit.

You are allowing yourselves to be manipulated. Through the practice of taking anything that agrees with your opinion at face value, actively refusing to believe anything but what agrees with your narrative and following that up with blatant disregard for doing two minutes of searching to verify the information: you become the myopic Trump supporter that you so vocally loathe.

Unless more individuals are willing to take a little time to bring the narrative back up out of the Coast to Coast AM/Daily Mail/Weekly World News level of information sharing: you will quite literally be a portion of the reason that this movement stalls as you spread yourself thin over information and infractions that never existed in the first place.

You are allowing yourselves to be manipulated. Through the practice of taking anything that agrees with your opinion at face value, actively refusing to believe anything but what agrees with your narrative and following that up with blatant disregard for doing two minutes of searching to verify the information: you become the myopic Trump supporter that you so vocally loathe.

closing comment by me: You've become the myopic Republican useful idiot that I now loathe.
Again, all you do is misrepresent what is actually being said

You present it in a flashy way to distract people

Yet you actually argue against noting
Again, all you do is misrepresent what is actually being said

You present it in a flashy way to distract people

Yet you actually argue against noting
You are exhausted. unable to formulate a response. emotional too. Best to just call it a day.

Racism is a learned response. It can be unlearned too.

I'd sure like to hear those testimonials about how you are the hardest male worker in your group. But that's expected of you because you are white.


English not your first language?

That was in reference to this cringe worthy post:
I wouldn't call it discrimination, but standards are definitely set differently for different races. I feel much more is expected of me because of my skin color than other people. I'm white so that means there are no obstacles other than my own work ethic in my way to success. Same thing with being male.

Imo, economic class is a better indicator of discrimination, race is just a coincidence
Read about sarcasm.

WELCOME new member. Who on his first two posts landed on Politics. Like many socks before him. It's pathetic to see a banned person sneak back in where they are not wanted. What's that all about?
What does it say about you that you hate the actual progressives we support? (against Republicans)
You hate them because we support them, not because of the policy positions they support, which align with you 90% of the time.
I probably align with more than 90% of what Bernie says. The policy positions he takes is different from other progressives only in degree and not in purpose. Did Bernie not side with Clinton after the primaries are over? Did he not go out on a tour intended to show unity with other Democrats? On the other hand, Sanders doesn't take the same line you and that Cenk sellout do regarding Democratic party congressmen. Frankly, I think Bernie is as nervous about you guys as anybody.

That said, I can understand why he's not exactly on the top of party invite lists by Democratic leaders. Sanders pretty much threw them under the bus after the 2014 elections when the Democrats lost control of the Senate. Sanders got a boost though their support for his Citizen's United repeal and all he did in 2015 was tear Democratic party leadership down to position himself for the 2016 elections. That's politics though. It's not a game and Sanders was doing what he had to do to get noticed.

Again, all you do is misrepresent what is actually being said

You present it in a flashy way to distract people

Yet you actually argue against noting
I don't have much complaint with berner criticisms of Clinton and her supporters like this:

It's truthful, spells out very well the differences between the generations that are behind her criticism and calls out Clinton's faction of the Democratic party for their own tone deaf and dismissive attitude of "anti-feminist Sanders supporters".

@abandonconflict absolutely hates Clinton. He gave his reasons. @BearKat42 does too and said he couldn't vote for her also with good reason. Both gave truthful and honest reasons. I respect that. We don't have to agree on all things. What I respect is their use of truth and reason to explain their decision.

A very good string of replies from bearkat passionately yet thoughtfully explained his issues with Clinton.

Yep. Clinton did more to destroy the black community than Reagan ever did, and Reagan was fucked up. That's why I can not cast a vote for another Clinton.

No Hillary and No Trump for me. I've just recently started listening to Jill Stein, as I've frankly just recently learned of her existence. I actually voted Green Party in 1996 (Ralph Nader). Unless something changes dramatically, Hillary is going to win. She's just not going to win with my vote.

I live in Maryland. Hillary is going to win my state with or without my vote. For me personally though, my mindset would not change if I did live in a battle ground state. Bill Clinton's policies devastated the black community far worse than ANY republican in recent history. I could not look at myself in the mirror if I now voted for the woman who championed those very policies. People died fighting for my right to vote, and I take it very seriously.

The thread is now locked and I can't just post replies that contain links to his specific and well written reasoning. The thread begins towards the middle of this page. post number 117

Note the total lack of fake news in those statements by bearkat. Same is true about abandonconflict's reasons for despising Clinton and the Democratic Party and the staus quo, for that matter. Yet both see common ground with others. It's a sign of intelligence when a person can see others as complex and able to form different opinions based upon the same facts.

This is the crux of my disagreement with you, tty and Trump supporters. You base too many of your arguments on falsehoods. For example, the Democratic party is not against Universal Healthcare in the US. People who disagree can discuss differences but only if they use facts.

You asked AC why I was pounding so hard on you and @ttystikk. I see privilege, racism, bias and contamination by propaganda and fake news. I documented everything. What was your response? I can't actually say because you didn't really respond. You complained.

Do you still think you are "expected to work harder because you are white"? Also male? If you can't recognize the privilege, racism and bias inherent in that post of yours from 3 years ago then I rest my case.
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I probably align with more than 90% of what Bernie says. The policy positions he takes is different from other progressives only in degree and not in purpose. Did Bernie not side with Clinton after the primaries are over? Did he not go out on a tour intended to show unity with other Democrats? On the other hand, Sanders doesn't take the same line you and that Cenk sellout do regarding Democratic party congressmen. Frankly, I think Bernie is as nervous about you guys as anybody.

That said, I can understand why he's not exactly on the top of party invite lists by Democratic leaders. Sanders pretty much threw them under the bus after the 2014 elections when the Democrats lost control of the Senate. Sanders got a boost though their support for his Citizen's United repeal and all he did in 2015 was tear Democratic party leadership down to position himself for the 2016 elections. That's politics though. It's not a game and Sanders was doing what he had to do to get noticed.

I don't have much complaint with berner criticisms of Clinton and her supporters like this:

It's truthful, spells out very well the differences between the generations that are behind her criticism and calls out Clinton's faction of the Democratic party for their own tone deaf and dismissive attitude of "anti-feminist Sanders supporters".

@abandonconflict absolutely hates Clinton. He gave his reasons. @BearKat does too and said he couldn't vote for her also with good reason. Both gave truthful and honest reasons. I respect that. We don't have to agree on all things. What I respect is their use of truth and reason to explain their decision.

A very good string of replies from bearkat passionately yet thoughtfully explained his issues with Clinton.

Yep. Clinton did more to destroy the black community than Reagan ever did, and Reagan was fucked up. That's why I can not cast a vote for another Clinton.

No Hillary and No Trump for me. I've just recently started listening to Jill Stein, as I've frankly just recently learned of her existence. I actually voted Green Party in 1996 (Ralph Nader). Unless something changes dramatically, Hillary is going to win. She's just not going to win with my vote.

I live in Maryland. Hillary is going to win my state with or without my vote. For me personally though, my mindset would not change if I did live in a battle ground state. Bill Clinton's policies devastated the black community far worse than ANY republican in recent history. I could not look at myself in the mirror if I now voted for the woman who championed those very policies. People died fighting for my right to vote, and I take it very seriously.

The thread is now locked and I can't just post replies that contain links to his specific and well written reasoning. The thread begins towards the middle of this page. post number 117

Note the total lack of fake news in those statements by bearkat. Same is true about abandonconflict's reasons for despising Clinton and the Democratic Party and the staus quo, for that matter. Yet both see common ground with others. It's a sign of intelligence when a person can see others as complex and able to form different opinions based upon the same facts.

This is the crux of my disagreement with you, tty and Trump supporters. You base too many of your arguments on falsehoods. For example, the Democratic party is not against Universal Healthcare in the US. People who disagree can discuss differences but only if they use facts.

You asked AC why I was pounding so hard on you and @ttystikk. I see privilege, racism, bias and contamination by propaganda and fake news. I documented everything. What was your response? I can't actually say because you didn't really respond. You complained.

Do you still think you are "expected to work harder because you are white"? Also male? If you can't recognize the privilege, racism and bias inherent in that post of yours from 3 years ago then I rest my case.

@UncleBuck and @abandonconflict

I bet you really straightened out that black member of the board for his feelings on the Clintons racism, huh?
@UncleBuck and @abandonconflict

I bet you really straightened out that black member of the board for his feelings on the Clintons racism, huh?
Actually Bearkat420 is one of the coolest mfkrs to have posted at any time on RIU and I was quite anxious to read any post he made. I'm assuming Bearkat is the same person, but I don't remember the thread. You seem desperate, like you need to find a black guy who disagrees with me. I bet next you'll say you have a black friend.