Well-Known Member
Says who? you?holocaust denial includes disputing the number of victims
Says who? you?holocaust denial includes disputing the number of victims
Is that a threat bitch?
If Bernie's greedy wife gets busted. Do you think Bernie will put enough on the books for her to get a banana moonpie? Or leave her hanging?
Says who? you?
That your hard-on will last another three hours?kushner just hired ANOTHER lawyer.
why do you suppose that is?
That your hard-on will last another three hours?
you literally just contemplated jane sanders going to prison you retardYou must have many voices in your head dipshit? Too many penises in your ear at once?
I assume you are on the left? Care to have an intelligent conv? Or are you like this dipshit victim? I was on the left too before I awoke.
You must have many voices in your head dipshit? Too many penises in your ear at once?
You know so little!
anti-american is looking the other way as the president admits to obstruction, witness tampering, espionage against the united states, and collusion with a hostile foreign power that murders gay people, journalists, and political dissidents.Ill be waiting and ready to hear anything intelligent from you. Anti-american fuck who takes a back seat to his bitch uncle buck
Ill be waiting and ready to hear anything intelligent from you. Anti-american fuck who takes a back seat to his bitch uncle buck. Al-Jazeeras on.....I mean Young Turks.
No asshole, Anti-american is giving Iran $150 billion dollars to fund terrorism. Go fuck your furry friend
anti-american is looking the other way as the president admits to obstruction, witness tampering, espionage against the united states, and collusion with a hostile foreign power that murders gay people, journalists, and political dissidents.
No moonpie for fraud bitch. Nope. Her ass will be lucky to get a ramen noodle.
You're a CNN info commercial and it's making you look like basement dwelling main stream news drunk. Hell bent on demanding everybody is racist.
a political witch hunt
You call me two face...