Well-Known Member
So he says he supports a $15 min wage, but he actually pays his employees $12 per hour, got it.
What are you implying?So he says he supports a $15 min wage, but he actually pays his employees $12 per hour, got it.
What are you implying?
Bernie is a hypocrite.
He wont pay his staff the minimum wage he wants everyone to be forced to pay. Like Hillary Clinton screams about pay reform for women while paying her staff 76% as much as the men.
After a while you see that it is all bullshit..
I'm not pretending it doesn't exist, you're pretending it doesn't exist in the job search. It's exactly like income tax. If you don't want to pay it, you don't have to.
Ooh Ooh,....I know......I know,.....Maybe cuz infants can`t talk. So momy decides for it,...same as feeding it.
so in other words, you did in fact call laws that protect children against pedophiles like yourself "arbitrary" and stated very clearly that you think certain children are mentally and physically mature enough to have sex with adults.
you are a sick pedo.
If I understand your post correctly, I'd agree that there can be a form of duress which arises from the "normal" institutions, customs, labor practices etc. in any place that has coercion systemically embedded as a primary means of governance.
With that as an understanding, the question becomes how to rid ourselves of it? The answer for me, is to stop intervening in others lives, since the intervening is the means which allows the duress to originate and proliferate into nearly every aspect of peoples lives.
Hence my preference for voluntary human interactions.
bernie sanders supports a $15 minimum wage by the year 2020.
is it 2020 yet?
keep representing apache junction's finest.
Lack of Food causes my Stomach duress. It leads/forces me to do things I normally wouldn't.
I really hate eating.
If a person is unable to consent or doesn't consent, then it would be appropriate for them protect themselves or seek help from another source to get some protection.
If a person is capable of consenting, and another entity arbitrarily says, you can't do that, the "protector", then becomes the oppressor.
Obviously there is no given age that EVERY person reaches and they then become magically physically and mentally mature, that's why the law which defines a given age is arbitrary.
If a baby could talk, do you think he'd say, "hey that felt good, could you cut my balls off too? " I don't think so.
Circumcision is for the most part done, "because that's the way it's always been done". It will be laughed at as a barbaric practice some day in the future.
yah, that's why we have laws against pedophilia.
now you are stating that laws against pedophilia are 'oppressive'?
there is nothing arbitrary about the law that says that adults cannot have sex with 13 year olds you sick pedo fuck.
So do you think the fetus wants to be aborted,...Momy`s choice again,....Don`t take moms Right to decide for her infant away...
Bernie is a hypocrite.
He wont pay his staff the minimum wage he wants everyone to be forced to pay. Like Hillary Clinton screams about pay reform for women while paying her staff 76% as much as the men.
After a while you see that it is all bullshit..
I don't know what a fetus thinks, but I'd have a hard time getting an abortion if I were a woman. I think it would bother me.
Even if you had a family and was raped ? Bring the rape kid home to met brother and sister but not daddy ?...C`mon guy....be real....
Even if you had a family and was raped ? Bring the rape kid home to met brother and sister but not daddy ?...C`mon guy....be real....