Bernie Sanders 2020

i feel like russian troll farms are taking out some anger on us by sending their shittiest trainees our way

This latest batch is fucking horrible
Only the smallest of brains could take the retarded Russian bots meme and apply it to posters on a stoners forum. I don't know which are worse, the low iq wine moms who truly fell for the neoliberalism attacking trump from the right nonsense, or the neoliberals who are smart enough to know it is horses hit but propogate it anyway.
My favorite part is where the new sock puppet is aghast at wanting to subvert the will of the people, even though that is what Bernie tries to do in 2016 by getting superdelegates to outweigh the voters who chose Clinton over him
I am a Russian asset for the Kremlin paid to play shrewd propaganda like telling you to be gay with your dad.

Thank god russian agents get to post too x


Well-Known Member
Sure, they can keep fucking people till they go full tankie, line them up in the streets and shoot them in the head and force their kids into gulag.
Dude, we don't have to obey the law. :)
Stfu you wannabe Hodgkinson. Bernie supporters are mostly unemployed weaklings who just want free shit. You'd go hide in a corner from a Trump supporter and beg someone like me to defend you.
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Well-Known Member
Only the smallest of brains could take the retarded Russian bots meme and apply it to posters on a stoners forum. I don't know which are worse, the low iq wine moms who truly fell for the neoliberalism attacking trump from the right nonsense, or the neoliberals who are smart enough to know it is horses hit but propogate it anyway.
take a picture of a sock on an american gas pump
My favorite part is where the new sock puppet is aghast at wanting to subvert the will of the people, even though that is what Bernie tries to do in 2016 by getting superdelegates to outweigh the voters who chose Clinton over him
Who meddled more in global elections? Russia or the united states?
Stfu you wannabe Hodgkinson. Bernie supporters are mostly unemployed weaklings who just want free shit. You'd go hide in a corner from a Trump supporter and beg someone like me to defend you.
American troops are pussies who constantly get smashed by third world farmers lol. Go lose more troops to suicide because they are so ashamed of their crimes for the empire.

Blue lives don't matter bucko.
Russia did by far. China a distant second.
Yeah remember when Russia overthrew the Iranian democratic regime and installed an absolute monarchy? Or when they toppled Guatemala and installed a second hand furniture salesman? Remember when russia overthrew 20 states in two decades? Remember when they gave Saddam chemical weapons to gas Kurdish and Iranian women and children?

A country like that deserves to be wiped off the map, right?


Well-Known Member
American troops are pussies who constantly get smashed by third world farmers lol. Go lose more troops to suicide because they are so ashamed of their crimes for the empire.

Blue lives don't matter bucko.
That's why Putin was so fucking shocked when we took out Saddam's army (fourth largest in the world at the time) in less than two weeks. That also must be why he was so shocked when we toppled the Taliban in two months even though your backwater piece of shit USSR couldn't do it in a decade.

It would take all of about 3 weeks to destroy the piece of shit Russian military and sink your rusting navy. That's why you hug your nukes and resort to hacking while trying to get US visas for a better life.


Well-Known Member
Yeah remember when Russia overthrew the Iranian democratic regime and installed an absolute monarchy? Or when they toppled Guatemala and installed a second hand furniture salesman? Remember when russia overthrew 20 states in two decades? Remember when they gave Saddam chemical weapons to gas Kurdish and Iranian women and children?

A country like that deserves to be wiped off the map, right?
Britain overthrew Iran with very little help from the CIA. Guatemala was burning from Russian inspired civil wars just like the rest of Central America (they only succeeded in Nicarague which is one of the worst places in the world to live) and the rest of your post is just made up bullshit.

The only reason the world believes this is because the US doesn't use official state news media as a mouthpiece.
Britain overthrew Iran with very little help from the CIA. Guatemala was burning from Russian inspired civil wars just like the rest of Central America (they only succeeded in Nicarague which is one of the worst places in the world to live) and the rest of your post is just made up bullshit.

The only reason the world believes this is because the US doesn't use official state news media as a mouthpiece.
Yes the CIA gave Saddam chemical weapons to gas his enemies because we love freedom. NPC BOOMER ALERT.


Well-Known Member
Got beat in Vietnam. Got beat in iraq and iran now has hegemony there. Got beat in Afghanistan Taliban control most of it and will completely retake what thousands of tanks died fighting for.

Why do your soldiers keep hanging themselves and crying? Thought they were tough sexy bois?
All of those countries have privatized resources selling to capitalist markets for dollars. They can't use your worthless rubles.