Bernie Sanders 2020


Man, is it hard to have multiple accounts? I thought you were supposed to not make them 100% noticeable to those that you troll? You should really work on developing deferent personas...Oh and if you didn’t realize by my fucking handle, I am a MARINE, your little petty childish meme shit doesn’t bother me...I spent years making fun of myself...lmfao...

You are correct though, the universe does need Ying and Yang, light and dark, good and evil...not totally sure you have found that balance in life...maybe you should try less troll accounts, who knows, might change your life...lmfao


You girls may have collectively silenced all the other dissenters in this thread, but we Marines are stubborn and I have a 128 count box of crayola...I can go all the twins never let us sleep, so fuckitall


Well-Known Member
You girls may have collectively silenced all the other dissenters in this thread, but we Marines are stubborn and I have a 128 count box of crayola...I can go all the twins never let us sleep, so fuckitall
So you're an active duty jarhead? It must suck that you can't get a real job doing something that society needs and wants.


So you're an active duty jarhead? It must suck that you can't get a real job doing something that society needs and wants. must suck knowing that I am a veteran, once a Marine always a Marine and that my job in Information Technology is much more difficult than yours...and my past career in advanced electronics...yep...just a dummy here...


Is this site a cover for Communists? Or is it a Cannabis site dedicated to the proliferation of knowledge and the removal of prohibition through civil disobedience???...too many big words for you comping from a Marine???


Well-Known Member must suck knowing that I am a veteran, once a Marine always a Marine and that my job in Information Technology is much more difficult than yours...and my past career in advanced electronics...yep...just a dummy here...
Yeah really sucks, so you're not in the corps anymore? Normally when a grunt gets his discharge he immediately begins pulling his head from his ass but you're either fresh out or still in because it's still lodged in there pretty good.


Member two douche bags are not very good at trolling’re supposed to frustrate the person into eat SJWs for lunch on an easy day...and you gents clearly don’t get the crayon joke, I digress, you should really be smarter when you attempt to talk trash on someone...does it suck to be out witted by a dumb jarhead...lmfao


Well-Known Member
I know that Bernie's Bros are tired of talking about his healthcare bill and so are spamming people who criticize it with nonsense, BUT,

His healthcare bill is a dumb plan to run on because it would force 150 million people from plans they like.

This is from a Nevada union pamphlet on the various Democratic Party candidates:

Nevada union warns members of Sanders, Warren health plans

Nevada’s most influential union is sending a subtle message to its members discouraging support for Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren over their health care stances even though the union has not yet decided if it will endorse a candidate in the Democratic presidential race.
The casino workers’ Culinary Union, a 60,000-member group made up of housekeepers, porters, bartenders and more who work in Las Vegas’ famed casinos, began distributing leaflets in employee dining rooms this week that push back against “Medicare For All,” the plan from Sanders and Warren to move to a government-run health insurance system.

The leaflet said “presidential candidates suggesting forcing millions of hard working people to give up their healthcare creates unnecessary division between workers, and will give us four more years of Trump.”

The capper is this:

“We will not hand over our healthcare for promises,” the leaflet said.

The union fought long and hard for health care for its workers. It doesn't oppose Medicare for All but rightly identifies Bernie's bill as an empty promise. I won't hand over my healthcare for promises by Bernie either. I want to see the whole plan, I want to see it in operation and I want to be able leave it if it's not delivering quality for lower costs as promised.

James Carville said similar when he complained about how Democrats have gone away from the very successful approach we used to take back the House of Representatives. Telling people they will HAVE to give up a healthcare plan they like if they win control of DC is politically stupid, unnecessary and the only hope Republikkkans have of staying in power. We succeeded when we stuck to core Democratic policies of keeping healthcare costs down, protecting unions, the environment and sane gun regulations.

Go back to what worked in 2018, people.
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Noah's ark parked on a mountain top in Turkey at the end of the great flood. I saw pictures!!!. The earth is 6000 years old. That was proven by counting generations listed in the bible!!!! Obama is carrying out a nefarious plot to destroy European civilization because he's angry about what they did to Africa. He's going to take over the US in 2016. I saw a documentary on this!!!!
Yes obamination said as Senator obamination, "If elected President, I will weaken the USA to a level deemed acceptable to our Mideast allies". John Kerry is recorded admitting he and obanimation and hillary armed ISIS as a way to get Assad to bargain with them, but they were "Surprised" when he turned to Russia for REAL HELP fighting terrorists!


Well-Known Member
Yes obamination said as Senator obamination, "If elected President, I will weaken the USA to a level deemed acceptable to our Mideast allies". John Kerry is recorded admitting he and obanimation and hillary armed ISIS as a way to get Assad to bargain with them, but they were "Surprised" when he turned to Russia for REAL HELP fighting terrorists!

Stuck in the past. Was that from one of the chapters of that book written by old dead men you (too funny this) say was written by your God? That's nice.

You should start posting in the religion forum. This thread is about one of the Democrats this country is considering to replace Trump with.

Stuck in the past. Was that from one of the chapters of that book written by old dead men you (too funny this) say was written by your God? That's nice.

You should start posting in the religion forum. This thread is about one of the Democrats this country is considering to replace Trump with.
President Trump is the FINEST man to ever hold the office. Your still butt hurt over losing? Get ready to lose again! Ha ha!