Bernie Sanders 2020

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I didn't realize the significance of the acronym. In America such organizations are called non profits. And no I don't think it would be an improvement. More accountability and oversight would likely be more effective.

And you wondered, so I suggested you go look at what privatization has done for British utilities.

My goodness but you're thin skinned. Don't put that on me.
LOL. Your funny! So tell me. What exactly did you think NFP stood for before you arrogantly decided to respond to my quote to another member. No not thin skinned at all, I find you amusing though.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I fired myself since I’m my own boss. Good smartness, much wisdom

Now you gonna dole out the advice on pimping ugly girls across southern Wyoming, or just serve up shitty responses that are self owns?
Ah, so now it's tag team time?

Do you ever have a valid argument or do you just get drunk and spew?


Well-Known Member
Ah, so now it's tag team time?

Do you ever have a valid argument or do you just get drunk and spew?
Do only incompetent people who get fired pimp ugly girls across southern Wyoming?

Because if so then maybe it’s not for me and I don’t want your advice


Well-Known Member
No, there is no such thing as felony obnoxiousness

Sex trafficking women is felony territory though
You're as much of a legal authority as bald dick.

Go to bed. You're almost as drunk as you are stupid.

At least you'll be sober in the morning.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
You're as much of a legal authority as bald dick.

Go to bed. You're almost as drunk as you are stupid.

At least you'll be sober in the morning.
Well if your trying to disparage by using “bald dick” ..... FAIL...... you need to up your game lol. To me it means he is a well groomed man who cares about the women he is with. I’m sure they appreciate it as opposed to an hairy dicked Neanderthal ........ nice to see at least he cares about their feelings..... :(. Going by your past history it makes sense, you have no feelings for women other than chattel for your profit.... sad.


Well-Known Member
Can you defend that statement with something approaching evidence, or have you sunk to the low standards of the gang of clowns here?

I have plenty of sense; Clinton and Obama did far more for the elites than they did for average Americans and Mrs Clinton would have been no different. Why should I vote for that?

What this country needs is a return to FDR's New Deal, along with getting serious about repairing the environment and developing renewable energy.

The Democratic Party isn't interested in doing any such thing and they won't be until they're forced off the corrupt influence of millions of dollars in campaign cash.
The mindset that some have to lose for others to win is not true.

Elites will always do well (unless they do something stupid) they have made it. Obama and Clinton did more for the middle class and average Americans than any other president since the post ww2 expansion, which really mainly benefitted the white middle class and left the poor minority communities to fill into the emptying cities who were losing the majority of their tax base.


Well-Known Member
The mindset that some have to lose for others to win is not true.

Elites will always do well (unless they do something stupid) they have made it. Obama and Clinton did more for the middle class and average Americans than any other president since the post ww2 expansion, which really mainly benefitted the white middle class and left the poor minority communities to fill into the emptying cities who were losing the majority of their tax base.
Richard Nixon signed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and signed the legislation creating the EPA.

Bill Clinton did NAFTA.
Obama bailed out the banks and let millions of homeowners sink.

Therefore, I'm not on board with your view of our history.

The elites can do fine and I have no fundamental problem with that. They can do fine while helping their disadvantaged countrymen. Where I have a problem is when they get rich at the expense and detriment of the rest of us, as has been happening since about 1980.


Well-Known Member
The elites can do fine and I have no fundamental problem with that. They can do fine while helping their disadvantaged countrymen. Where I have a problem is when they get rich at the expense and detriment of the rest of us, as has been happening since about 1980.
Says the guy who forces his girlfriend to engage in unpleasant and hazardous sex-work with strangers while he waits outside to take most of her money.

You can't make this shit up. You go, Tyronious! Learn us about exploitation!