Bernie Sanders 2020

If his boss wants him as the candidate to run against, they will do it when it is too late to help America have one candidate not chosen by Putin.
Shit I see all kinds of anti Bernie folks on TV, most of the morning Joe crew for instance, nobody in the media seems to have an issue with this stuff and I've seen no mention of it. They would be shouting it from the rooftops if there was any importance to it. Hanimmal you see a Russian lurking in every bush, this shit has got ya spooked. I know it's important, but I don't think it's Bernie's fault, to the extent that it might be made out to be, I haven't seen it mentioned by his opponents either. If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me.

You seem to display a greater vehemence over Bernie than Trump sometimes, perhaps because you have family who are Trumpers and come from a right wing background and perhaps can empathise with them more. I know, you'll hold yer nose and do the right thing if ya gotta, fight for yer guy in the meantime. If Bernie is the chosen one I'll jump in with both feet for him, or any other democratic candidate who wins the brass ring.
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Sanders just screwed the pooch with every moderate in the entire world with his Castro love. "he educated his people!" yeah moron pretty sure that was re-educating his people. You know taught them so they could read all of his propaganda...
Sanders just screwed the pooch with every moderate in the entire world with his Castro love. "he educated his people!" yeah moron pretty sure that was re-educating his people. You know taught them so they could read all of his propaganda...
You must have missed the Trump instructions bulletin distributed to the Facebook Fascist and White Pride Group. I'll read it to you: "Support Sanders wherever you can because he's the only one Trump can defeat in the fall."

"Intelligence officials and pundits have been screeching for years that patriotism demands voters reject the foreign agent Donald Trump and the Russian asset Bernie Sanders, and support a conventional establishment politician. Voters responded by moving toward Trump in national approval surveys and speeding Sanders to the top of the Democratic Party ticket. A more thorough disavowal of official propaganda would be difficult to imagine."
The knum drum is setting in. Of course we can't possibly vote for the worst of the two evils. I just love Bernie telling us he will legalize on his first day with Executive Order. I would think someone who has served as a politician as long as he has would know the powers of the Presidency better. Truth is he can't possibly do this anymore than one can pull a rabbit out of a hat.
Furthermore I know it takes from three to five years for a hospital to be constructed once funds are appropriated. It takes a person half his life in College to become a Doctor. He can't offer health care to all without a way to provide it. Doctors are all ready working overtime to serve the patients they have now. It's really Ludacris to think any one candidate can just flip a switch and make everything all right. We have no choice but to vote for anyone besides the mess we currently encounter whether it be Bernie or another candidate who at least supports something better. :joint:

"We will, on the federal level, eliminate incarceration for drug possession, reduce sentences for other drug offenses and apply these reductions retroactively, legalize marijuana and expunge past convictions." ~Pete Buttigieg

"Intelligence officials and pundits have been screeching for years that patriotism demands voters reject the foreign agent Donald Trump and the Russian asset Bernie Sanders, and support a conventional establishment politician. Voters responded by moving toward Trump in national approval surveys and speeding Sanders to the top of the Democratic Party ticket. A more thorough disavowal of official propaganda would be difficult to imagine."
”the russia con” aka reality
"We will, on the federal level, eliminate incarceration for drug possession, reduce sentences for other drug offenses and apply these reductions retroactively, legalize marijuana and expunge past convictions." ~Pete Buttigieg

"We own you and if we want to incarcerate you for "other drug offenses" , ie "crimes" of self ownership, we will" - Pete Butthead Prohibitionist
Chris Hayes On Why Bernie’s Success Should Not Be Surprising | All In | MSNBC

Chris Hayes: “That’s why he is currently the frontrunner in the race. And to Democrats who are freaking out, I’d say: this is what democracy looks like. It’s what primaries are for.”
Survey says: No answer is a wrong answer.

In an interview with “60 Minutes,” Sen. Bernie Sanders didn’t want to get into any details when pressed about the price tag for his ambitious agenda. He said his Medicare-for-All plan would cost about $30 trillion over 10 years, which would, he argues, cost “substantially less than letting the current system go.” Asked about a total price tag for his entire agenda — which includes free public college, cancellation of all student debt and a Green New Deal to tackle climate change — Sanders said he doesn’t have a total cost figure
Survey says: No answer is a wrong answer.

In an interview with “60 Minutes,” Sen. Bernie Sanders didn’t want to get into any details when pressed about the price tag for his ambitious agenda. He said his Medicare-for-All plan would cost about $30 trillion over 10 years, which would, he argues, cost “substantially less than letting the current system go.” Asked about a total price tag for his entire agenda — which includes free public college, cancellation of all student debt and a Green New Deal to tackle climate change — Sanders said he doesn’t have a total cost figure

Heyyyyyyyyy..wait a rinky dinky're trying to trick us voters by focusing on something that hasn't happened instead of what has:

End of Fiscal Year 2018
The total deficit for FY 2018 is $779 billion, with total spending clocking in at $4.1 trillion and total revenue at $3.3 trillion. The deficit grew by 17 percent ($113 billion) compared to FY 2017 and is the highest federal deficit in six years (since FY 2012).
Deficit Tracker | Bipartisan Policy Center

perhaps those tax cuts weren't such a GOOD IDEA AFTERALL..?