Bernie Sanders Draws Bigly Crowds

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I will be what ever you want me to be. Does not matter, but at the end of the day...
No wonder you are for Bernie, you just say anything to sell your snake oil huh.

the space shuttle is made out of a material that people who didn’t murder 6 million Jews would have figured out
He just watched the nazi hunters show on Amazon and they talked about it. It is very impressive how he now knows a thing about it and feels good enough about it to say it in here like it is earned knowledge.
@Justin-case look at this guy trying to have a conversation. He went from desperately trying to insult me to this and now he's going to shit himself because I tagged you.
I know, it's quite the marvel to observe. He strikes me as the type of person that flinches when someone so much as gives them a friendly pat on the shoulder, ahhh!!! Big time homophobe and seriously insecure for a grown man. I try to be honest with myself, which naturally means being honest with others. There's a saying that goes something about when people show you who they really are believe them. What I've seen London post in the past few weeks is far from admirable and far closer to his true character, cowardice. He is not a person you would would want to cross, or even come across in life. You're demeanor has never changed. What you disrcibe, your struggles, your service, and your travels takes a lot of courage and conviction.
No wonder you are for Bernie, you just say anything to sell your snake oil huh.

He just watched the nazi hunters show on Amazon and they talked about it. It is very impressive how he now knows a thing about it and feels good enough about it to say it in here like it is earned knowledge.
He was a Warren guy a month ago. I never figured out what happened?
You sure like to use phrases like real men, real man. It's kinda gay.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I'm sure you have no idea what a real man is. A gay man can still be a real man. I real man can handle his own You cannot.
You over 40 living proverty level, no wife, no kids to carry your name. You better be a puppet or you a sad excuse for a man
I'm sure you have no idea what a real man is. A gay man can still be a real man. I real man can handle his own You cannot.
You over 40 living proverty level, no wife, no kids to carry your name. You better be a puppet or you a sad excuse for a man
Then why are you so desperate for my approval and respect? I think you love me. You're so fixated on the belief that I'm single too.

When you're so upset that you have to make up a bunch of lies and put them in the thread without clicking reply. I didn't even have to talk about this piece of shit's personal life.
Yeah , because you’re feeding off
you should thank the nazis for their contributions to the moon landing, which was a hoax
a hoax ? Operation Paperclip wasn’t a hoax , it was a race between the US & Russia to obtain the best scientists from Germany & Russia to benefit the future war effort! Do you believe the earth is flat too?
you eat poop and garbage
wow , fucking WOW ! the fact that you get support on this site for idiotic statements like that is all the credibility I need to ignore you !
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Yeah , because you’re feeding off

a hoax ? Operation Paperclip wasn’t a hoax , it was a race between the US & Russia to obtain the best scientists from Germany & Russia to benefit the future war effort! Do you believe the earth is flat too?

wow , fucking WOW ! the fact that you get support on this site for idiotic statements like that is all the credibility I need to ignore you !
you eat poop and garbage
I dont want to be part of it though
Neither do I. But when an alert comes in with a personal insult and a lie...

Anyway, you were quick enough to make light of a deadly pandemic when it was still funny almost a month ago so I figured you liked troll stuff.
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