Bernie Sanders’ Political Revolution Is Gaining Ground

666888 is a superior white person, he is also easily duped by socialist jews and is too stupid to look at online grammar guides to outwit them.

this all adds up perfectly.
Hahaha, nice one Bucky, if me bad gramma bothers you put me on ignore
Noam Chomsky on why your antifa approach is wrong:

I invite your thoughtful commentary.
It's possible to respect Chomsky but disagree with him about what antifa is doing. Same with the ACLU, who at times, I don't agree everything they do but I still support them. I have no idea what Chomsky meant when he said "educational opportunity was lost".

Too funny to me is how Kulinsky villified Chomsky in summer of 2016 when he said simple arithmetic provides enough of a reason to vote for Clinton instead of sitting out the election as Kulinsky was advocating at the time. Chomsky said it was completely a moral act to vote for Clinton instead of allowing Trump to win for the simple fact that Trump's Republicans would defeat efforts to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions. Kulinsky was livid in that episode. Yet now he's quoting him with the respect Chomsky is due. Just not a year ago when it was not convenient. A bit flexible your thought guide is.

I also listen to the good people of Germany who have had experience with fascists and they say that Democracy isn't served by the kind of messages Nazis provide in their abuse of the right to speak freely. I also listened to stories of people in Charlottesville who fled the streets and locked their doors when they saw Nazis outside. I think of children who were given images of people opposing Nazis instead of a life long memory of them marching in the streets without anybody opposing them.

I'll credit Kyle with at least admitting that this isn't about Charlottesville. I was impressed by the difference in Charlottesville and the riots in Berkely where I agree Antifa went too far. Also in Portland Oregon earlier this year, Antifa got out of hand. It looks as if Antifa is changing tactics. When white supremacists came to Portland in June, they obeyed laws, no property damage and didn't resist (much) police barriers keeping protesters away from Nazis. In Charlottesville, again, no property damage and no violence until Nazis broke with safety plans that would again have kept them away from Antifa and the general public.

So, we have two examples where Antifa seems to have learned from past mistakes.

So, tell me, why did Sanders lose so heavily to Clinton among the Democratic Party's African American, Hispanic and women voters?
I'm interested in inspiring the nearly 50% of people who are eligible to vote but don't to actually get to the polls, no matter what color their skin may be.

I've never said social issues weren't important- you've been trying to shove that canard down my throat for almost a year now and you aren't any more right about it now than you were then. My point has always been that Democrats have failed to highlight ECONOMICS issues, to their great cost.

But remember the Iron Law of Institutions; those in power in institutions will protect their own position, even at the cost of the larger organization. No organization is immune to this and it explains the current duplicity of the Democrats very well.
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I'm interested in inspiring the nearly 50% of people who are eligible to vote but don't to actually get to the polls, no matter what color their skin may be.

I've never said social issues weren't important- you've been trying to shove that canard down my throat for almost a year now and you aren't any more right about it now than you were then. My point has always been that Democrats have failed to highlight ECONOMICS issues, to their great cost.

But remember the Iron Law of Institutions; those in power in institutions will protect their own Orion, even at the cost of the larger organization. No organization is immune to this and it explains the current duplicity of the Democrats very well.
You don't know why Bernie didn't attract the votes of women, African Americans and Hispanic people? You realize that these three demographics make up much more than half of this society, don't you?

Trump won because of racist policies and speech, not because he stressed ECONOMICS. His economics plans were awful.

Just saying that there are answers to the questions regarding why Sanders lost that need to be answered. Not the fake idea of "rigged". That's a false premise.

I go by the idea that problems don't get solved unless their causes are understood.
I'm interested in inspiring the nearly 50% of people who are eligible to vote but don't to actually get to the polls, no matter what color their skin may be.

I've never said social issues weren't important- you've been trying to shove that canard down my throat for almost a year now and you aren't any more right about it now than you were then. My point has always been that Democrats have failed to highlight ECONOMICS issues, to their great cost.

But remember the Iron Law of Institutions; those in power in institutions will protect their own position, even at the cost of the larger organization. No organization is immune to this and it explains the current duplicity of the Democrats very well.


why doesn't this person with Ph.D get this?
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The votes of women, African Americans and Hispanic people, you realize that these three demographics make up much more than half of this society, don't you?

Trump won because of racist policies and speech.

all i did was re-punctuate, keeping the sentences in order..look at what you are saying:wall:
We were both wrong; it was in fact Robin Williams.
that's weird. i found this:

When Whispers interviewed Jesse Ventura in June, the former non-partisan Minnesota governor made an "out-there" suggestion about how to hold today's politicians more accountable.

"I think that all congressmen, senators, when they campaign should wear NASCAR racing suits," Ventura said. "They [could] have their sponsors, or donors, on big patches. Then we can learn as citizens who owns [which] candidate."
all i did was re-punctuate, keeping the sentences in order..look at what you are saying:wall:
Thank you for reading.

Now that you've read it, you must realize that to achieve the "objective of reaching the 50% who don't vote", it's going to have to include womenAfricanAmericansandHispanicpeople. Sanders isn't reaching out to those demographics.

We already have a white people's party. It's called the Republican Party and led by Trump. That's what happens when white people stop listening to everybody, which is what I see your kind doing. Equating anti-fascists with fascists, shouting down politically correctness, focus on money and devalue social equality. White people supporting the status quo. You might as well start a dialogue with Pie to learn more about yourself.
that's weird. i found this:

When Whispers interviewed Jesse Ventura in June, the former non-partisan Minnesota governor made an "out-there" suggestion about how to hold today's politicians more accountable.

"I think that all congressmen, senators, when they campaign should wear NASCAR racing suits," Ventura said. "They [could] have their sponsors, or donors, on big patches. Then we can learn as citizens who owns [which] candidate."
When the idea is a good one, everyone will claim credit, lol

Rather than quibble about origins, i suggest we implement it forthwith!