Bernie Sanders’ Political Revolution Is Gaining Ground

too funny this.

You said you were done talking about Clinton.

You lasted longer than I thought you could.

She fails to realize Clinton has been preaching inclusiveness for years so there was no sudden outreach needed.

Should we post some stats for how she did amongst the black communities of southern states, or would that hurt their burned out feelings?
@rkymtnman got it exactly correct. It requires no explanation.

Are you really the type who gets angry when you can't understand something?

Disappointed in you.

The problem with you Berniebabies is that you are all send and no receive.

I think you get what he's doing. @Padawanbater2 , @ttystikk and @schuylaar are trying to follow a Bernie that never existed. He's fairly conservative about some issues and only moderately liberal on others. He's going to help us rid the political system of legal corporate and big donor campaign cash which I think will be a very good thing.

I think we can agree on that.

Now go back to your angry tirade. Quite funny to see a grown man act like a child.

I would like for you to explain this. Maybe I'm missing something obvious. You got all sorts of twisted over me suggesting that a certain segment of voters perhaps voted against their own best interests in the primaries when they voted for Hillary, but here you are nodding your head in agreement when a different segment of voters are being accused of voting against their own best interests by casting their vote for Trump. Would you like me to dig up your quotes where you say that "voters always vote in their own best interests"?

You're clearly staking a hypocritical position on this, and your refusal to explain yourself only confirms this. I know why you're refusing to answer, but I'd still love to see you give it a whirl. My popcorn is getting cold.
She fails to realize Clinton has been preaching inclusiveness for years so there was no sudden outreach needed.

Should we post some stats for how she did amongst the black communities of southern states, or would that hurt their burned out feelings?
I don't think she understands numbers. She thought Bernie could win as late as mid April last year.
I would like for you to explain this. Maybe I'm missing something obvious. You got all sorts of twisted over me suggesting that a certain segment of voters perhaps voted against their own best interests in the primaries when they voted for Hillary, but here you are nodding your head in agreement when a different segment of voters are being accused of voting against their own best interests by casting their vote for Trump. Would you like me to dig up your quotes where you say that "voters always vote in their own best interests"?

You're clearly staking a hypocritical position on this, and your refusal to explain yourself only confirms this. I know why you're refusing to answer, but I'd still love to see you give it a whirl. My popcorn is getting cold.
As you say, we've gone over this before and you simply don't get it. Go back and read our previous posts. It's all perfectly explained. @abandonconflict took a stab at it and I think did a better job than I did.

How about those 400 congressional candidates that the mis-named Our Revolution (more accurately Reform) says they want to run next year? Who is your guy in Michigan?
As you say, we've gone over this before and you simply don't get it.

You're right, I don't get how you can go from this...

I repeat. People always vote in their own self interest. Always.....Not saying we can't change the way people vote but you don't even credit them for the ability to decide what's best for themselves.

To agreeing that Trump voters voted against their own best interests.

Do you get super duper baked before you log on here and just forget the shit you typed out the day before?
You're right, I don't get how you can go from this...

To agreeing that Trump voters voted against their own best interests.

Do you get super duper baked before you log on here and just forget the shit you typed out the day before?
Why are Bernie's supporters such divisive people?

We agree that you don't understand. What about that don't you understand?

You clearly aren't going to understand it from me. I suggest you ask @abandonconflict who explained the difference between self interest and objective interest best.
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Why are Bernie's supporters such divisive people?

We agree that you don't understand. What about that don't you understand?

You clearly aren't going to understand it from me. I suggest you ask @abandonconflict who explained the difference between self interest and objective interest best.

I don't understand your hypocritical position. You went from wagging your finger at pada for "not even crediting people with the ability to decide what's best for themselves", to agreeing with rockymtnman that his parents voted against their own best interests when they voted for Trump. You're taking diametrically opposing positions in a span of 2 weeks. Instead of manning up to it you try to deflect by insulting me. It's your go-to move when backed in to a corner.

Fwiw, I agree with rockymtnman. It sounds like his parents did indeed vote against their own best interests, just like a lot of people did when they cast their vote for Hillary over Bernie in the primaries.
@rkymtnman got it exactly correct. It requires no explanation.

Are you really the type who gets angry when you can't understand something?

Disappointed in you.

The problem with you Berniebabies is that you are all send and no receive.

I think you get what he's doing. @Padawanbater2 , @ttystikk and @schuylaar are trying to follow a Bernie that never existed. He's fairly conservative about some issues and only moderately liberal on others. He's going to help us rid the political system of legal corporate and big donor campaign cash which I think will be a very good thing.

I think we can agree on that.

Now go back to your angry tirade. Quite funny to see a grown man act like a child.

but if Bernie has voted along same party lines as your choice 99% of the time..?

'the problem with you'.
I don't understand your hypocritical position. You went from wagging your finger at pada for "not even crediting people with the ability to decide what's best for themselves", to agreeing with rockymtnman that his parents voted against their own best interests when they voted for Trump. You're taking diametrically opposing positions in a span of 2 weeks. Instead of manning up to it you try to deflect by insulting me. It's your go-to move when backed in to a corner.

Fwiw, I agree with rockymtnman. It sounds like his parents did indeed vote against their own best interests, just like a lot of people did when they cast their vote for Hillary over Bernie in the primaries.
Yep. You don't understand.

I think I'll go get some of my own popcorn. It's entertaining to watch you revisit an old argument that you'll never understand.

Tell me more about how self interest and best interest are the same thing.
I don't understand your hypocritical position. You went from wagging your finger at pada for "not even crediting people with the ability to decide what's best for themselves", to agreeing with rockymtnman that his parents voted against their own best interests when they voted for Trump. You're taking diametrically opposing positions in a span of 2 weeks. Instead of manning up to it you try to deflect by insulting me. It's your go-to move when backed in to a corner.

Fwiw, I agree with rockymtnman. It sounds like his parents did indeed vote against their own best interests, just like a lot of people did when they cast their vote for Hillary over Bernie in the primaries.
lol self ownage is the best ownage
lol self ownage is the best ownage
You too?


Tell me more about how self interest is the same as best interest.

I'm really enjoying watching you guys spin around and around. Abandonconflict explained it best. Here is his post:
Just to point out to the observer trying to catch up with what is now going on in this thread, They are debating whether or not some people vote against their own interests.

It stems from the common Berntard belief that black people are incapable of knowing what is in their interests. It has now spiraled into an unrelated segue since we all know there are plenty of reasons some people do vote against their own interests. However, it is not subject to racial generalizations as the berniebros suggest. Even the author of the comment to which the berniebabies are incessantly alluding has explained that there are reasons, such as propaganda and familial ties which might motivate someone to vote against their objective interests but that such people believe they are voting in accordance with their own best interests.

The bernard supporting clowns would have us believe that black people rejected Bernard because they have a herd mentality and are bigoted against gays and Jews.

No, I did not misconstrue or take it out of context, that is what they are arguing.
While mundane, this is better than watching my dog try to figure out a food puzzle. Except my dog is better at puzzling things out than Bernie Bros.
She fails to realize Clinton has been preaching inclusiveness for years so there was no sudden outreach needed.

Should we post some stats for how she did amongst the black communities of southern states, or would that hurt their burned out feelings?
These Berners thrive on division. I don't get it. We have quite a number of interests in common but like dogs returning to their own vomit they keep coming back to area of small importance where we disagree.

No wonder the DNC was biased against Bernie's campaign. Imagine having to listen to them whine nonstop from months and years.

Full disclosure before Bernie bros respond with their knee jerk cries of hypocrite. I'm not saying I approve of their bias against Bernsters. I just say I understand and empathize with their situation.
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you make as much sense as ben carson..i read your posts in his voice.
Is this where you bring up your butt hurt over Clinton beating Bernie the sheepdog?

But really, you should move on. Bernie is doing great things that will further a policy that we both want to get done. I'd rather work with Bernie's supporters when we find agreement. Such as his agreement with most if not all Democrats that the supreme court ruling in favor of the Citizen's United lawsuit was against the best interests of this country.