Bernie To Introduce New Bill: College Should Be Free Just Like Germany and Nordic Countries

isn't waterboarding a 'rightie' thing?

if you wish to not participate, you will be taken out to sea, placed on an iceberg and set adrift.

Sounds like your understanding of the word consent is somewhat lacking.

Why do you like policies that threaten force on otherwise peaceful people? Are you qualified to run their lives for them?

Do you like it when someone tries to run your life for you?
How do K-12 teachers get paid?

Thru coercion based redistribtution, many via a ransom on peoples homes. You go along with that?

Can you think of a better way to fund good ideas or explain why if this idea is so good it must be funded via threats ?
Sounds like your understanding of the word consent is somewhat lacking.

Why do you like policies that threaten force on otherwise peaceful people? Are you qualified to run their lives for them?

Do you like it when someone tries to run your life for you?

yes, like religious people. they try to run everyone's life..telling you what you can do with your body..who you can sleep with..what type of life you must live.

and the supreme court votes on it.
Thru coercion based redistribtution, many via a ransom on peoples homes. You go along with that?
No, you and I have very different definitions of 'taxes'. I choose to live here, I pay taxes, that's how it works. If I don't want to pay my taxes, I don't have to live here, totally my choice
Can you think of a better way to fund good ideas or explain why if this idea is so good it must be funded via threats ?
There is no threat, get an under the table job if you don't want to pay taxes, move away if you don't want to pay taxes. Nobody is threatening anyone unless you live here and don't want to contribute via taxes

Good ideas don't get funded all the time because of personal beliefs (STEM cell tech, NASA, Climate Change, higher education, planned parenthood, etc.)
Ive been saying this for years too.
Ive been so dissapointed in this country lately ive really thought about moving elsewhere.
Id gladly pay whatever taxes. Its a small percentage anyway, who cares
Ive been saying this for years too.
Ive been so dissapointed in this country lately ive really thought about moving elsewhere.
Id gladly pay whatever taxes. Its a small percentage anyway, who cares

this can become a reality easily, but it has to be worked.

spread the word about this guy.

that's how we (the people) get him elected without money.

it can be done.

word of mouth is all it takes.

EDIT: did you see the 'bernie bear'? how cool is that? this guy is a winner..i'd place money on it.
No, you and I have very different definitions of 'taxes'. I choose to live here, I pay taxes, that's how it works. If I don't want to pay my taxes, I don't have to live here, totally my choice

There is no threat, get an under the table job if you don't want to pay taxes, move away if you don't want to pay taxes. Nobody is threatening anyone unless you live here and don't want to contribute via taxes

Good ideas don't get funded all the time because of personal beliefs (STEM cell tech, NASA, Climate Change, higher education, planned parenthood, etc.)

Your explanations lack logic. In fact they rely on a suspension of logic and redefinition of words for describing the same kind of actions that occur in two different instances. Both rely upon unauthorized taking. In one instance you like the outcome so you rename the action as taxation. In another when theft occurs that you don't like, say a mugging, you agree to call it theft.

Question authority. Question indoctrination. Question word smithing.
yes, like religious people. they try to run everyone's life..telling you what you can do with your body..who you can sleep with..what type of life you must live.

and the supreme court votes on it.

Sounds like government and religion are very similar.
Only the brightest are accepted into college in Germany. Paddy and Sky, sorry to burst your bubble but you two would not be admitted.

We don't need anymore theater arts majors.