Besides dolomite lime, what are other buffers?


Well-Known Member
Hi, I just started my new organic grow and what are other buffers that keep ph optimal for growth? Also is the amount of lime in Promix HP good enough for an entire grow or should I add more? I dont have any major problems, I just don't want to be mid-flower and something go wrong.


Well-Known Member
Dolomite - mag and cal
Calcitic lime - mostly cal
Oyster shell - mostly cal

Promix uses a mix of dolo and calcitic lime.You can add more lime if you want. I wouldn't use more than 1/2 cup per cu ft. I've used reused straight promix about 3 grows without adding any lime, I use synthetic fertilizer. I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to add some extra lime because you probably have compost and soil amendments added which might make it more acidic.


Well-Known Member
Hi, I just started my new organic grow and what are other buffers that keep ph optimal for growth? Also is the amount of lime in Promix HP good enough for an entire grow or should I add more? I dont have any major problems, I just don't want to be mid-flower and something go wrong.
You'll be fine friend. In my experience, its when that thought creeps into your head is when problems arise.

Typically, most growers will experience issues due to pH lockout and not actual deficiencies.

Deficiencies are easy as shit to correct. Incorrectly diagnosing a pH lockout problem as a deficiency on the other hand? You'll hurt things more than you'll help them.

Also, in my experience, your worst case scenario is that your yield will be mediocre.

I've always maintained, pretty much anyone can grow high quality cannabis/veggies/etc. Getting yields though? That's where the trick is.

You'll be fine man. ProMix typically uses Dolomite Lime, and Lime lasts for 1-2 years minimum. If you start to notice issues, its likely a problem with lockout and not an actual deficiency.