Besides smoking, how do you deal with stress?

I’ve been without a job for 2.5m now after being fired. (New owners and entire store quit with 2 months, including my managers) I know how you feel as I try looking for a new job, but have a wrist injury that keeps me away from better paying jobs because of my weight restrictions for lifting. I think i have a job and then I see what is required for lifting and must skip it. Pretty sure I’ve been battling depression for most of the year with no appetite and I dropped 50lbs (gain some back) So I found myself getting high a lot and just played/walked around with my dogs, and then I lost my eldest dog a month ago to cancer. I knew we didn’t have long with him (almost 11years) but his death sort of reset what I thought I had made progress wise. I sort of getting back to where I was before that but still battling this unknown anxiety/depression. (Plus long hauler Covid with constant nausea feeling) Still walking my other dog (with a new pup coming November) with music playing and a little weed, is right now is my happy place. Walk the dog 3-5KM a day and I feel better for doing so, and is my daily moments of Zen (even when picking up his poop) Hang in there and don’t be afraid to ask for help and I think this was a good first step in doing so.
If you've been pretty hard on the weed intake especially weed concentrates that constant nausea could be Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome i got this before when I was crushing shatter pens like no tomorrow. One way to check when you feel nauseas take a hot shower or bath. If the nausea is alleviated then that's what you have.
Mindfulness meditation, prayer, and breathing. Nothing super religious. You can pick any kind of thing for the prayer like a poem or meme. It's more there to help focus your intention. That plus lots of ganja and a little shroomie from time to time.
Legally prescribed Xanax (If you can get it, arguably as/more physically addicting than heroin when taken more than a few weeks at a time, warning applied) has worked for me during my most of stressful times. I had to go through my mom having bad cancer, grandma dying during covid, dog of 10 years dying, jail..

I will say though, handling stress with substances is how you create an addiction. Your brain is going to need said substance any time the same scenario occurs or you're going to feel like absolute shit. It's better to just take the punch so to speak and continue your life as normal..

As others have said, talk to someone if that works for you. Shrinks don't help me, really just talking to family and friends helps me. Especially friends that are older than me and possibly walked that road before..

Good luck finding peace. It isn't easy..
Only time is going to truly help. Until that eventually happens stay busy. Walking is one of the best decompression methods. Seek professional help in dealing with the death of a child. Or for anyone very close or special. Alcohol and drugs aren’t answers and can quickly become problems for you. No Xanax. Stuff is hell getting off.

Peace, young man. You’ve been through a lot.
What helped me:
- don't consume cannabis while in a depressed state
- read books on neuroplasticity (The Mind & The Brain by Jeffrey M. Schwartz is a good one)
- exercise daily
- find hobby projects to keep your mind active

About the first two points: consuming cannabis when I was depressed made my condition much worse over time. My theory on depression (and anxiety) is that they are manifestations of OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). When you are depressed or suffering from anxiety, you are in an endless cycle of negative thinking which affects your subconscious mind -- leading to a further strengthening of negative feelings and thought processes. Once I began treating my depression as OCD by consciously changing my way of thinking, my mood improved and my depression (and anxiety) were gone for good. The book I referenced explains the science behind the above and training techniques for accomplishing it.
If you've been pretty hard on the weed intake especially weed concentrates that constant nausea could be Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome i got this before when I was crushing shatter pens like no tomorrow. One way to check when you feel nauseas take a hot shower or bath. If the nausea is alleviated then that's what you have.

My mother also has the long hauler nausea from Covid too, and she only has a small piece of a cookie at night. I only hit the bong and don’t do any concentrates myself, just my flower and a heavy day is 6-8 bowls from my bong. Usually 4 bowls a day myself to help me eat at supper and sleep at night. We both tend to also get the nausea a day or 2 before/after each other as well. Actually, the same with my cousins too. We all suffer the same nausea problem as we were all in the same household when we got it, but the have moved out since then. We text/FaceTime each other and again, we usually sync up around the same time and it sucks.
My birthday is coming up this Wednesday sep 7 today I cashed my check and lost my wallet with all my cash in it... it's not a good birthday because my first and only baby was born almost a year ago a few weeks after my birthday (she was born sep 23) she had a condition the doctors didn't catch and even tho she fought hard she passed on October 5th at 12 days old. Def gonna be my most sour and saddest birthday don't plan on celebrating but now I'm at a all time low my baby momma and I split up about 3 months ago from the depression and stress. I'm not asking for anything or fishing for donations (I don't have a bank account or any cash apps) I just want some advice on how to not feel like the world is crushing me.. been about 15 years since I had any new clothes just hand me downs and used shoes. Lost my job when I would go to all the doctor appointments and it's been hard to get on my feet again... I just need some advice or kind words to lift me up... I realize this isn't the correct place but this isnthe only place I visit as far as forums.

Again I'm not asking for ANYTHING just words of wisdom to guide me back to stable ground... I never felt this lonely and can't talk to my family because I don't wanna burden them anymore

I hope everyone is doing well and is having a good summer and or year ❤
This is heartbreaking,I will only say ,my condolences for your loss.I sometimes feel like people are ethereal spiritual beings and life on Earth with a physical body is a vacation ,if you will.When a child is lost I like to believe they have been called back for unfinished business there.Stay strong and prepare for your next phases of growth.GL
Do you exercise? If not you could start there. Exercise is a great mood elevator as you engage your natural endocannabinoid system.

i really enjoy hot yoga and lifting weights and jiu jitsu. But a hard run which is free is Just as good or better for your mental health.

also finding a job or having a healthy daily routine can help re-align your life to the positive.

Try to hang out with successful and happy people. You become the average of your friends.
Agreed, There is nothing like smoking after a good workout. It’s like it primes your system or something. Personally I skateboard even at my age lol but you gotta DO something and having a routine is important in life.
There's a LOT of data indicating that magic mushrooms can reset depression. Caveat: All of these studies included "therapy" but if I got desperate, that's what I would head toward. Therapy or not, it would be worth a shot for me to down 3-4g & see if it helped.

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice & i am not a medical doctor
My birthday is coming up this Wednesday sep 7 today I cashed my check and lost my wallet with all my cash in it... it's not a good birthday because my first and only baby was born almost a year ago a few weeks after my birthday (she was born sep 23) she had a condition the doctors didn't catch and even tho she fought hard she passed on October 5th at 12 days old. Def gonna be my most sour and saddest birthday don't plan on celebrating but now I'm at a all time low my baby momma and I split up about 3 months ago from the depression and stress. I'm not asking for anything or fishing for donations (I don't have a bank account or any cash apps) I just want some advice on how to not feel like the world is crushing me.. been about 15 years since I had any new clothes just hand me downs and used shoes. Lost my job when I would go to all the doctor appointments and it's been hard to get on my feet again... I just need some advice or kind words to lift me up... I realize this isn't the correct place but this isnthe only place I visit as far as forums.

Again I'm not asking for ANYTHING just words of wisdom to guide me back to stable ground... I never felt this lonely and can't talk to my family because I don't wanna burden them anymore

I hope everyone is doing well and is having a good summer and or year ❤
I train like a fucking madman. There is actual therapy you get from letting all off it go on a punching bag.

Also fishing cures all.
A dog could help. When they look at you like you are the most amazing thing in the world it's hard for that not to rub off, plus they need walks and walks are an excellent way to process shit that you are dealing with.
If you can find a new hobby you really enjoy doing it'll help take your mind off things, i've got fishing to escape any problems it's a surefire way for me to get peace and tranquility.
There's more to it than catching fish.
PS to OP: for me, cannabis is more of a reward than a helper, or worse, a crutch. If you have to have any herb (besides physiologically necessary) or alcohol to cope, that is a dependency and should be avoided. A nice warm feeling of progress, that you get after real progress, like "I actually accomplished something positive today" kinda thing, is even better when you reward yourself with a nice smoke and relax later. I feel almost civilized! The feeling of accomplishment, "when a man's done a good days work and he's waiting on his supper" like Duvall said in Joe Kidd. That's my drug. Also, the tug is my drug! Fishing is the shit! The sun coming up, the birds, the water, the peace. I LOVE it. Every day is a blessing - GRAVY - for the rest of your life (to paraphrase King).
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Low dose alprazolam (.25) does the trick for me.

Also masturbation. Great when my prostate isn't killing me :rolleyes:
Brownies isn't technically smoking. Hope ya feel better soon, maby some camomile tea..

Disclaimer: "please consult herbalist Dr. Not intended as medical advice" lol..
If you've been pretty hard on the weed intake especially weed concentrates that constant nausea could be Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome i got this before when I was crushing shatter pens like no tomorrow. One way to check when you feel nauseas take a hot shower or bath. If the nausea is alleviated then that's what you have.
Did yours subside? I'm doing some research on the subject In relation to copper/metal concentrations, interesting how it disappears in the er departments then comes back.