That is the "problem."
Had a couple draft Pivo Pilsners with lunch. Very good, normal pils with a bit of hop flavor, good summer beer.
All their beer causes me intense and prolonged intestinal distress. Something in certain yeasts. Too bad, I like their beer. Same with everything from 3 Floyds, Bells and quite a few others. No European beers do this. I have three Surly Furious in the fridge waiting for friends to come over for the same reason. Oof!
Picked up some Clown Shoes "Space Cake" yesterday, a double IPA from Mass. Have not tried it but I will when I pass of the kid today. Less than $6 at Costco but it has no bottled on date. This can be very bad... What if Clown Shoes dumped old stuff on Costco? I will know tonight. But Costco mostly has fresh beer. They get their Stone's "Fresh By..." real quick and it is also less than $6.
Ah, last December, I had about nine Pliny the Elders in my trunk brewed about eight days before.
Beer that needs cellaring pisses me off these days. Mostly it comes off pretentious and the oh, so pretentious wine twats are all over that shit. Buying tickets to go 150 miles to get a few bombers? Fuck that. Aside from stashing a whole case of Founders' "KBS" that is. But that only gets "cellared" because I like drinking it on our September fishing trip. That is just the proper way to consume it.
Beer is a simple thing. Go back to your goddamn wine and get out of my brewery hipster bitches.
Or so I hear.