Best Blue Strain?


Active Member
Whats people opinion from experience what tends to be the best "blue" strain?
And i mean Blue as in, either the bud can sometimes turn blue? or has a blueberry sorta taste to it, like has been crossed with some sorta blueberry strain?


Active Member
But dont dutch passion mainly focus on purple if anything, cause from what ive looked at they have none that have blue traits in them?


Well-Known Member
If you want the Blueberry taste, then just go with an original Blueberry (Dutch Passion or DJ Short). Other than that there are Blue crosses with Skunk, Haze, Kush etc. Couldn't tell you the best.


Active Member
Im really looking for a plant thats got a really high chance of the buds turning the blue colour, cause ive always wanted to smoke a different coloured bud, and im not really worried about strength cause if i grew it myself it wouldnt matter.


Well-Known Member
best blue strains ive had were blue dot, blue moonshine, blue dream and my new favorite sour blueberry........


Well-Known Member
i've been working with bluehaze (blaze) for the last year and it's a very good "blue" strain. i've got 2 different phenos. 1 dark purple/blue heavy on the indica side, that tastes just like blueberrys. 1 light green with purple streaks thats heavy on the sativa side, and tastes berry/hazy. right now i have some bluewreck (blueberryxtrainwreck) and it's not bad at all. i also used to get pure blueberry (dj's) that was amazing. going to get some bluethunder this weekend alond with some mendo purps and some granddaddypurps. I LOVE MY FRIENDS IN CALI!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Blue Berry is I think the best Indica I have ever smoked, and it tastes so nice.


Active Member
Yeah, but i hear it has an average yeild and i plan to only be growing like 8 plants at a time, so i need a good yeild and cheese doesnt really sound to inviting

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
I just finished up an eighth of "blue dream"...and let me tell you, the aroma and smell and taste was soo unique and awesome....and it got me ripped, more indica high...anyways the smell was really unique, unlike a weed smell, more perfumey.


Well-Known Member
If you want purely Blue buds, then I think 'True Blueberry' by DJ Shorts is the best way to go. Don't trust me on this, but I seem to remember searching for True Blue on google and seeing some cured buds that were actually blue and green, no purple at all. Looked like they'd been ink dyed. Can't remember what exactly I searched for though. :(