Best Bud Trimming Scissors?


New Member
I've been using these spring loaded scissors to trim my bud, and its okay but I think I'd like a pair that doesn't have a spring because it gets tiring on my hand after a while. Only problem is there are like a thousand different types and I'm not sure.....I think I'm going to try a curved blade because it seems like the scissors fit the profile of the bud a little better. Have any of you used a curved blade? My current pair are fiskars. I think if nothing else I may just alter the spring a little to make it more squishy....but I feel like they're not the best trimming scissors...
Bonsai pruning snips on Amazon. Buck each.

Anything spring loaded makes my hands tired after a while. These are just the right amount of springy and razor sharp too.

I open them all, dunk them in isopropyl alcohol and as they gunk up during trimming I rotate them back into the alcohol. Every time I reach for a new pair they are clean and ready to go. At the end of a days' trimming I let the glass of IPA evap and left behind is pure scissor hash. No messing.
This is my scissors. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My scissors is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.
Without me, my scissors are useless. Without my scissors, I am useless. I must cut my scissors true. I must trim cleaner than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must out scissor him before he out scissors me. I will...

I use my teeth .....trimmers are for pussies .

Corn cob style .

Or the two pack at Home Depot for around 20 bucks works well tbh .....Ive bought different styles and types over the years ......I have a bucket full and switch as I trim hours on end so it makes me feel like I'm winning mentally .....but in reality super sharp and a soft spring with some ISO is the best ......for all you non teeth trimmers that is .

(((Do I have something stuck in my teeth))
Curved chikamasas are the way to go. Be ware, they are sharp! I have trimmed many a bud and am pretty good with a pair of snips. When ive gotten a little excited with fiskars, it was like a bad paper cut. Brand new pair of chikamasas took a chunck out of my finger. With fiskars, the locking mechanism fucks up, the springs tire your hands out and they are very sharp compared to safety scissors for kids. The chikamasa are light, sharp and effortless. The curve gives you the ability to conture with the bud as well as great visibility.
Bonsai pruning snips on Amazon. Buck each.

Anything spring loaded makes my hands tired after a while. These are just the right amount of springy and razor sharp too.

I open them all, dunk them in isopropyl alcohol and as they gunk up during trimming I rotate them back into the alcohol. Every time I reach for a new pair they are clean and ready to go. At the end of a days' trimming I let the glass of IPA evap and left behind is pure scissor hash. No messing.
pure genius!
Bonsai pruning snips on Amazon. Buck each.

Anything spring loaded makes my hands tired after a while. These are just the right amount of springy and razor sharp too.

I open them all, dunk them in isopropyl alcohol and as they gunk up during trimming I rotate them back into the alcohol. Every time I reach for a new pair they are clean and ready to go. At the end of a days' trimming I let the glass of IPA evap and left behind is pure scissor hash. No messing.
But no finger hash? Oh no! Lol