best cannabis treatment with chemo

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Aunt is stage 3, lymph nodes, liver lung etc. wondering what anyone with experience has to say about coupling cannabis treatment with aggressive chemo. THC, CBD a combo oil smoke vapor... thanks ahead


Well-Known Member
everything I've read seems to point to oil. growgoddess has quite a bit of experience with cancer patients from my understanding. I would get her opinion.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Thanks, she hasn't actually agreed to anything yet. I have heard once this chemo start though she will be up for anything that helps.


Well-Known Member
Hit Growgoddess' tutorials up. Be prepared!!! But yeah oil in capsule form are the easiest to introduce to non-users. Very small doses, you are just trying to help give her relief from the effects of Chemo. Good luck

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
I would think RSO made from your Acid strain (1:1 THC/CBD) would be ideal for this kind of treatment. It is very important for non-cannabis users to start with a very small dose and work your way up. For someone with no tolerance, ingesting a big dose (one gram) of THC rich RSO could be an extremely unpleasant and long lasting experience. You don't want to scare them away from the cure. Good luck brother!

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
That was my idea originally I only question it that I don't find it brings on the munchies for me. some of the worst pot I ever had was probably ideal here with no real high but massive munchies attack and sleepy drop off....pretty much the opposite of what I look for in a strain LOL. I have an acid I flowered as soon as I got the news. I will be washing with 99% iso and doing up like the phoenix tears video with a rice cooker etc. Thanks all.