best cfl's for flowering?


what are the best cfl's for flowering that you can walk in a regular store and pick up like walmart or lowes? Thanx for any suggestions!!


Well-Known Member
you need to add more light using a cfl grow im doing my 1st cfl grow and was told more lights are needed for additional plants and way to disgrace these beautiful plants by callin them hoodrats..... smh


Active Member
2700k cfl's
Not very wordy.. but he's right.. *L*

Get yourself 2700k AND try and mix in 6500k if you can.. if you can get a quarter of your light from that blue (6500k) spectrum it is (in my opinion) very beneficial. So you know, for every 4 bulbs of 2700'k, toss in a 6500.. I prefer more, but try and get a 'little' bit in there anyway.

If you are going to use CFL, a mixed spectrum and a bunch of em is a golden ticket.


Well-Known Member
max is dead nuts^, have at least 100 act watt per plant ( use at least four 26x100 2700k) gang them in a semi circle using Ys suspending from the top and hold um close, a few inches from ur girls


Active Member
max is dead nuts^, have at least 100 act watt per plant ( use at least four 26x100 2700k) gang them in a semi circle using Ys suspending from the top and hold um close, a few inches from ur girls
I am nuts.. but I can tell you as fact 100 actual watts per plant isn't very much.. I can also tell you mixed spectrum is best.

But how does this make me nuts? I am working on my audition and I don't want to blow it.



Well-Known Member
100w per plant is the absolute minimum that you would want, more is always better. A mix of 2700k and 6500k works best from what I hear, youd want 2 2700's for every 1 6500 during flowering. The opposite ratio for veg.


ok im using only 23w cfl's 2 per plant right now and they are not even the good ones i believe they are 1650k so definently not for flowering :-( these ladies did thrive with the minimal lights though they will be 6 weeks on saturday baby girls.jpgphilipa 42 days.jpgblue 42 days.jpg


Well-Known Member
damn that's a nice lookin bush, goodjob. you will definatly want more then 2 bulbs for flower though or your buds will be light and airy


broken blue.jpgthe lights fell on them and snapped the stems at 2 weeks old i taped them back together and they were beasts!! fixed philipa.jpg


ive been using this cheapo fertilizer because it said it was organic and its lit
erally made out of chicken shit and feathers... guess my girls will taste like chicken o_O


Well-Known Member
Nice! Super cropping is such an awesome technique even when accidental lol, it looks like it would kill the plant but they always bounce back bigger and stronger because of it. As long as the stem dosent break all the way the plant can recover most of the time. I don't know how well that fertilizer will work in flowering but it looks like its done well for you in veg. Does it list the amounts of n-p-k? Also in one of your pics I notice minor signs of mag deficancy (dark green leaf veins with light green leaf surface) you might want to add a spoon full of Epson salts to your next watering, once every month or 2 is usually enough for a full grow its a micro nutrient


well one of the plants is a blue widow and her coloring has been crazy since her seed popped the other is a train wreck and she is living up to her name... the blue widow was so compact i actually had to raise the lights so i can see what she had going on it was a freakin jungle for 2 weeks lol I am so cheap since i quit my job to go back to school and that fertilizer was 90% off that crap cost .04 yes 4 freakin cents lols and i guess it works pretty good and there is plenty of earthworms in my soil at least 10 per pot i give them whatever fruit and veggie scraps i have.....


Well-Known Member
2700k multiple pack of CFLs... 23watt or 26 watt... 23 watt 1600 lumens or 26 watt 1750 lumens.. 10 bucks/3 pack.


Well-Known Member
IMG_2077.jpgthis is one of my first girls, she was a mess to. I just supercropped her before this pic

IMG_2163.jpgThis is the same girl a couple weeks later before I put it into flower

the tight nodes on a messy plant are actually pretty desirable as they result in denser buds come flower time


oh wow how thick!! she is beautifu!! l im still working out the denser airy bud thing and honestly growing is i guess more of a hobby for me i dont think i will ever be able to sustain myself with my grows yet even though ultimately that is a goal so i can save money and be in control of what i consume. my last grow bombed big time and i think i ended up with 14g off of 4 scrawny bag seed females. being that im 2 days away from flower i think im just getting nervous lol and trying to make sure i didnt waste this last 6 weeks