Best Chocolate Bar


Pickle Queen
Bacon Brownie

OMG OMG i'm freaking out, i've wanted to try this chocolate bacon bar 4 soo long!!! mmmmmm


Well-Known Member
I'll have to look for that! I love Bailey's Irish Cream. It's a bit like chocolate, in a glass, for adults. Dangerous to have around when I'm channeling Cookie Monster. cn
When I was 17, I bought a pack of ten Stanley knives and super glue at the store. Then the cashier refuses to serve me because I tried to buy my mother Bailey's chocolate truffle bars. The good- Bailey's do chocolate bars. The bad- the law is stupid.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
white chocolate is bomb, that looks good

anyone ever had grasshopper pie? its bomb as fuck to..has mint chip ice cream and chocolate pie stuff


Active Member
i have chocolate chip cookies and cowtails in a drawer in my desk, about to demolish like 12 of each of them lol

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
im about to grab the mint chip icecream and dump a shitload of magic shell chcocolate on it. this thread made me hungry


Well-Known Member
MARS BAR but i think they dont make them no more sadly because i have not seen them in a long long time.


Well-Known Member

Dime Bar/Daim Bar

I was searching for MARS DARK N LIGHT but could only find "DARK"

This is my newest Fav. from MARS :) !!!

And lastly... it may not be a bar or sweet but its oh so sexy :) :-

and that concludes my input... "Yeah they're not all bars, but chocolate is chocolate and these taste G-R-E-A-T !!!" - STELTHY :leaf: