Best color temperature/combination


I'm wondering what would be best if one was limited to using CFLs. I read here on Rollitup that 6500K is best for vegetative growth and 2700K (IIRC) for flowering, but what if one had two 6500K lights and one 2700K for vegetative, and two 2700K and one 6500K for flowering?

I can't find a definitive answer as to whether this would be better or not, or if something else entirely is better, so I appreciate any advice/information. :)

Edit: I forgot to ask if three 26w CFLs were going to be enough for, say, two plants. I'm thinking maybe four would be better, and doing a 3/4 ratio...? I've heard 50w/sq ft is good.


Well-Known Member
yeah man, those ratios you have going for the different times of growth sound good. i dont see why they wouldnt be right. theyre getting more of the spectrum they need at specific times. you got some pics?


yeah man, those ratios you have going for the different times of growth sound good. i dont see why they wouldnt be right. theyre getting more of the spectrum they need at specific times. you got some pics?
Thanks! 'Fraid not on the pics, at least not yet. My friend is interested in growing, you see... :D

I forgot to ask if three 26w CFLs were going to be enough for, say, two plants. I'm thinking maybe four would be better, and doing a 3/4 ratio...? I've heard 50w/sq ft is good.


Well-Known Member
Full spectrum is what you're describing (some red, some blue) and I've heard from experienced growers this is the route to go (as far as fluorescents are concerned). More light the better.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
No, that amount of lighting will not be enough to produce nice buds. But it will get you started. I would be useing 4 of them per pant, at least. One will work to start, but as the plant grows you have to add more lights


Thanks y'all. So you guys think a 3/4 blue/red would be good for veg, and the opposite for flowering?


Well-Known Member
I'd go opposite of what you said: 4 blue/3 red for veg and then 3 blue/4 red for flowering (assuming you only want to use 7 bulbs total). You may actually want to tip the scales heavier in each side; i.e. 5 blue/2 red for veg, and 5 red/2 blue for flowering. Just my .02 though, do what you wish. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I'm not even using veg bulbs anymore. I'll use t5 for germination then when the seedlings are ready to transplant, straight into 12/12 hps.


Well-Known Member
I'm not even using veg bulbs anymore. I'll use t5 for germination then when the seedlings are ready to transplant, straight into 12/12 hps.
So you use red spectrum bulbs in your T5? And then how long do you wait until you transplant? First couple true sets of leaves?


Well-Known Member
Yes, my clones went straight into 12/12 and they're like 5 to 8 inches tall and already showing flowers. My first seeds were in veg for over a month because I thought they had to have that. I have 20 more free seeds that the seed bank gave me free, those will go to 12/12 as soon as leaves show. Smaller plants and more frequent harvests will do me just fine. Spectralux 6500k bulbs are in my wouldn't be so good for germination.


I'd go opposite of what you said: 4 blue/3 red for veg and then 3 blue/4 red for flowering (assuming you only want to use 7 bulbs total). You may actually want to tip the scales heavier in each side; i.e. 5 blue/2 red for veg, and 5 red/2 blue for flowering. Just my .02 though, do what you wish. Good luck.
Yeah, I meant 3/4 blue (i.e., three blue bulbs) and the rest (1/4) red (one red bulb) - though reading back, that isn't clear at all! Thanks; if I were ever to do a grow, this would be the combination I would use. :)

I'm not even using veg bulbs anymore. I'll use t5 for germination then when the seedlings are ready to transplant, straight into 12/12 hps.
What is T5?

I wouldn't want to use HPS due to the heat, I think. And ballasting intimidates me...


Well-Known Member
I'm not even using veg bulbs anymore. I'll use t5 for germination then when the seedlings are ready to transplant, straight into 12/12 hps.
I thought this meant you were using all red 2700K bulbs in your T5, and using it to veg. Which is why I was thrown off.