Best Console Game To Play High


Well-Known Member
conker's bad fur day on n64 or fat princes, they're funny as hell.

newer games i'd say rock band
conkers bad fur day is epic

they remade it on the xbox with live, it was sick:mrgreen:

i would say god of war 3, left 4 dead , uncharted 2, eh, list goes on and on


I remember well when i was younger i use to play in few PS2 games my favourite was NFS4 Hot poursuit ISSPRo evolution and ofc GTA, but the best one was Harvest Moon: Save The homeland
now i play only on PC in FPS named Combat Arms


Well-Known Member
Team Fortress 2 (pc of course), Rock Band/GH (just about any of them except for beatles and Aerosmith, not my cup o tea), Borderlands, oh and don't forget the RPG's like Dragon Age, Diablo 2 (cant wait for 3) and some Oblivion/Morrowind. Iam obviously leaving many of my favorite rpgs and other games out, but i had to keep the list short, i play games all day and i am 'usually' high all day, so i very well could have posted with just one word: Any.
i have this remoded SNES system so i LOVE playing the old super nintendo Mario games! Donkey Kong will do in a pinch though!

also.. N64 is pretty awesome!


Well-Known Member
anything but wii..... NOT a stoner compatible console... i think super nintendo... and i agree with the conkers bad fur day for n64..

though online games... id have 2 say some kind of rpg or first person shooter... idc.. there all good
AGREED, I once smoked and played some wii, and threw up on the TV, luckily It wasnt my TV

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Personally for me its Worms or mario party 8 (mario party's controls on the wii aren't that bad at all when your stoned, you can actually play sat down no problem)


Well-Known Member
Mario Galaxy 2 and Uncharted 2 online, I sold MW2, too many fucking campers

I can't wait to get high and play Portal 2


Well-Known Member
I can handle campers, they were my favorite victims, but I refuse to give them more money for these shitty maps.

No I have not been in the military, but remember this is a video game...