Best Console Game To Play High


Well-Known Member
LMAO! That good huh? I'm gonna have to get an usb cable and we will have to play sometime. You'll probably kick my ass but I'll still play ya.


Active Member
Let me repeat myself (others are flooding the pages so my shit gets skipped), Silent hill series! Nothing scarier than this series for the exception of fatal frame. Resident evil 1 is awesome too, the rest are lame in comparison for fear factor.

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Xeno, Silent Hill 2 by far, man. The most recent games have been so crappy, and while Silent Hill was fantastic, the second one was just sooo creepy. It was just you, alone, with the silence...and then things appeared. It was some outrageous shit. My friends and I are all getting together on Halloween and playing SH2 in the dark with the volume up. Good times.


Active Member
ive been playing video games for years, i think i have owned damn near every system except sega CD lol

that being said if its just me puffin i love to play the classic Super Mario Bros. and SMB3

but i usually puff with the girlfriend and shes not into those so we play Nazi Zombies on COD WAW

whats nice about that is the first few levels we are usually REALLY REALLY REALLY high bongsmilie and thats when the zombies are slow but as our high goes down a little the zombies start comming faster. then by the time we die were ready to smoke again and start over.....lets just say this goes on all night lol


Active Member
how is odst in comparison to,

cod and halo. is it halo cod,

or just more halo?
It's just more halo. Except you get a silenced SMG and a bad ass pistol. Campaign is okay but it's only worth the money if you like playing firefight with your friends. It comes with a second disc that is multiplayer, but it's just halo 3 multi, with all the maps.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Mmmm...I play mostly pc games,but super mario 2 0r 3 for the nes,or super mario world for the snes are good ones. If you want to get into a storyline and you prefer roleplaying games, I'd say final fantasy 6, which was released as final fantasy 3 for the snes in the US. Tetris is good if you don't really want to be too involved,Legend of Zelda Link to the past for snes is a good combination of action and roleplay.
EDIT: and for pc, the original fallout or fallout 2 were always favorites of mine. I enjoy the splattering sound your enemies make when you score a critical hit with a machine gun,it's very therapeutic.


Active Member
Super smash bros 64
I dare any of you to challenge my edge guarding-spiking-r-wing healing pwnage
HAHA Hellz yea man I remember playin that shit every night wit sum dudes i chilled wit wen i still lived in NY. I fuckin kicked ass wit blue kirby