Best County in Northern Cali to grow outdoor?


Hello Friends:) I was wondering what is the best county to grow medicine in Northern Cali one that's prop 215 friendly and is most likely not get harassed by law enforcement. I currently reside in Sacramento and you know outdoor is banned here so I'm force into buying medicine. Thank You


Sector 5 Moderator
Humbolt, Trinity, or Mendocino. Any of them would be great. I'm sure you already knew this.


Well-Known Member
You have to drill down further than the county level because there are cities which have enacted their own ordinances. My county has both grow and no-grow cities.


Well-Known Member
Fuck the counties and the recreational government give the power of the plant back to the people where it belongs. TAKE BACK OUR GREEN!


Well-Known Member
Geeze...I have never even been to Cali and even I know Humboldt and Mendocino are the bomb...If you live in Cali already and you do not know about the emerald have either been living in a cave a long time or smoking some hellaweed. :peace: