Best drug - The Soul


New Member
Soul yes everyone has it.

It allows us to keep going in a physical world. But whats oddly fascinating about the soul is you don't need a physical world to technically be alive.

I was watching a national geographic on this subject and how the definition of death was re defined.

What struck me most is how someone can be completely brain dead but the heart is still getting oxygen and the persons body is still going.

And another thing is a coma. Physically unaware but mentally there. Its so fascinating! Like the brain will shut off everything not important to living just to keep the soul going.

Idk how to explain everything i feel on this subject but it sparked much curiosity and i would like to hear your thoughts on this...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Things like outer body experiences and such have shown me that there is certainly a bit more to us than a lump of meat, i am in no place to even wonder what it is, but i don't like the use of the word soul, too many religeous connections, but there usre is soemthing going on. Just take your body's energy fields, experiencing one of those changing is enough on it's own to make you open your eyes and start asking questions


New Member
Things like outer body experiences and such have shown me that there is certainly a bit more to us than a lump of meat, i am in no place to even wonder what it is, but i don't like the use of the word soul, too many religeous connections, but there usre is soemthing going on. Just take your body's energy fields, experiencing one of those changing is enough on it's own to make you open your eyes and start asking questions
Yeah obe is another subject so interesting i cant and wont touch that subject. But to me i feel there is more than our body and a physical world to the word "life" some people know that and others are waiting to find out.

Many people with near death experiences have obe and a lot of people seem to describe the famous tunnel with the white light and warmth. All to curious


Well-Known Member
lucid dreaming is also crazy ive done this many time when i dream i like to wander around and change thing its kind a crazy when your aware in your dream and are able to think and process things and make choices

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Meat bag is a person, just a bag of meat and bones with some gooey bits here and there :D Add a spiritual side and it's a new animal :D

I just need to perform the most basic reiki excersizes to be aware that there is much more to me than simply moving limbs and whatnot.


Active Member
lucid dreaming is also crazy ive done this many time when i dream i like to wander around and change thing its kind a crazy when your aware in your dream and are able to think and process things and make choices
Do you know anything about drug induced lucid dreaming?.... I want to say kava kava or kratom can do this but im unsure....


Well-Known Member
DMT possibly??
or pcp but dont do alot or ull turn into the hulk but i think pretty much any downer should do do only bad thing bout lucid dreaming is that sometimes you wont wanna wake up or you will want to but can and also sometimes the dreams will seem so real that ill fuck with your head


Well-Known Member
or pcp but dont do alot or ull turn into the hulk but i think pretty much any downer should do do only bad thing bout lucid dreaming is that sometimes you wont wanna wake up or you will want to but can and also sometimes the dreams will seem so real that ill fuck with your head
this just reminded me of a couple days ago were i was dreaming and well when i dream i have a perception of time sort of so if ive been dreamin for awhile i could be like wake up but yea the other day i did this and i had thot i was awake so i go to turn on the light but it didnt come back on(thot the power had gone out) so i just went back to sleep and i ended up waking up again and again i turn on the lights no lights i go back to sleep and wake up again and finally the lights come back on and i notice it was dark outside and it took me awhile to relize the 1st two time i woke up were just a dream and also i had spent the whole day sleeping


Active Member
or pcp but dont do alot or ull turn into the hulk but i think pretty much any downer should do do only bad thing bout lucid dreaming is that sometimes you wont wanna wake up or you will want to but can and also sometimes the dreams will seem so real that ill fuck with your head
anybody see the cops episode where the naked bloody black man punched a hole in a fence on pcp....

in other words no way man....


Well-Known Member
anybody see the cops episode where the naked bloody black man punched a hole in a fence on pcp....

in other words no way man....
no but i seen the one were the naked black man breaks in to building and take on like 5 cops and a glass door


Well-Known Member
Yeah, like from less than 20 feet away, in an apartment complex. it was pretty crazy.. one of those HOLY SHIT! moments