Best economical way to extract ?

Sure :)! For plates I just carefully stripped down a thrift store hair iron, making sure to keep all wiring intact. My first layer is a 2"x5" metal plate attached to the vise jaws, then a wooden layer for insulation and with channels carved to make room for the wires and stuff on the back of the plates. The plates are attached to the wood with epoxy, then I added 2" round steel discs to the plates with high temp JB Weld to fit 1 gram pucks of bud perfectly allowing all the oil to flow away from heat surfaces ;). For warm up I lightly clamp a meat thermometer in the press to get in range, then just toggle on and off judging by ear.

I think that covers most of it, but I'm happy to elaborate if anything is unclear. I started just by clamping the hair iron in the vise, and that worked great, but eventually I cracked the body of the iron so I wasn't getting good pressure any more, good excuse to tinker..
25% of woodworking people end up losing a finger? yikes that's terrifying... and yes, agree that bho can be very dangerous, but of course, some people seem to have made it work. YMMV...

Yeah man I couldn't believe that shit either when he told me that. I was sure to watch where my fingers were before even moving anything. Said he's seen it happen plenty of times and it's always people that don't look before they cut and don't prioritize safety.