best eye drops to use?


Well-Known Member

Hands down the best. You smoke a blunt, your eyes are red as shit. You throw these drops in, and smoke up 3 hours later and your eyes are still white.

Like, if your sober, and you put these drops in, your eyes become even whiter. People ask me why my eyes are so white lol
my friend has these and they work great.

To the OP, IMHO Visine does not work, Rohto does not work(Somewhat does)

Clear eyes , Always work, before and after doesnt matter, Your eyes will be whiter than a new White colored Polo shirt.

But please buy the clear eyes, Its cheaper than most, Rohto at like 7-8 dollars for a .5 fl oz and Clear eyes are 3.50 for .5 fl oz bottle.

PLEASE BY ALL MEANS TRY THE CLEAR EYES. Im only stressing this because I honestly want to help you.

Good luck. :D

So true. [video=youtube;RcH-3d-BZn4][/video]
I like the Rohoto's from Japan! They are so much stronger and smoother than the ones you can buy OTC here in the states. I've gotten them on Ebay before, I should order some more soon. :)


Well-Known Member
RoHTo ice kicks ass. Except you're legally blind for about 5 seconds so don't drop and drive.
Just do one eye at a time :P
Strange, my eyes doesn't realy go red anymore, used to look like mouse pussies in my head, but not anymore.