Best Fabric Pot?

you know, the funny thing is, once they have the molds made, it doesn't cost any more to make those air pots than it does to make nursery you're paying for dents and holes.....
I'm using Rhizopots atm and have used geopots in the past. I'm finding with the Rhizopots that they dont seem to dry out as readily and now the light facing sides of them are going a nice thick layer of algae. (this is on one watering a day, coco in the pot) Never had this problem with the Geopots, i would see them go damp after a watering then dry out pretty quickly. All this algae is attracting gnats. Wont be using them again.
i just use the reuse bags from coles and woolworths fuck spending 20$ on a set of bags when i can get em for 25c from coles
I'm using Rhizopots atm and have used geopots in the past. I'm finding with the Rhizopots that they dont seem to dry out as readily and now the light facing sides of them are going a nice thick layer of algae. (this is on one watering a day, coco in the pot) Never had this problem with the Geopots, i would see them go damp after a watering then dry out pretty quickly. All this algae is attracting gnats. Wont be using them again.
hmmm ive never noticed that happening with the Rhizopots, havnt tried the Geopots but have some here ready to grow out in next time, i used some Vivosun fabric post last year and the plants seemed to grow spindly in those? test of most major brands happening here in the next few mths
I have a mix of five or so different brands of fabric pots. In my experience they all grow the same. I just buy the cheapest ones anymore. I haven't noticed any difference in plant growth. They're all made out of similar material. Anyone experiencing massive differences in plant growth from different brands likely has other factors causing it.
I have a mix of five or so different brands of fabric pots. In my experience they all grow the same. I just buy the cheapest ones anymore. I haven't noticed any difference in plant growth. They're all made out of similar material. Anyone experiencing massive differences in plant growth from different brands likely has other factors causing it.
i noticed a difference in growth characteristics between 2 different types of fabric pot using exactly same nutrient pool & really cannot see how anything was done differently, i notice some weaves of fabric are tighter than others, therefore some with better airflow through the fabric compared to others, which will end up with different growth results, some fabric pots appear to be made from very different materials to others as well, also fabric pots like Vivosun's are a pain to add medium into because the sidewalls are very thin and weak so they collapse in on themselves whilst a person is filling it, my test will not only include growth comparisons but also ease of use, durability etc for an overall best to be the winner, glad to hear you are happy with your selection of pots
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below is an example of different plant/bud structure between growing in one fabric pot type to another, plants pictured are a very stable & uniform type where the only variation is usually color, they are of same age, the top pic is grown in the favored Greenroots brand, the 2nd pic is the Vivosun/RhizoPot brands, the RhizoPot is probably somewhere between the Vivosun & Greenroots in terms of characteristics of plant growth, note the leaf to calyx ratio of the top & next pics, also the bud density(as much as 50% more) on the top pic compared to the bottom pic, there is a massive difference in growth of plants between fabric pots types, there will also be an objective growth test of the AirPots(hard plastic aerated pots) alongside the fabric pots test this upcoming outdoor season to be started in august 2018
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I'm aware this is an old thread,but unless you do clones wouldn't basic pheno variation account for differences. Even with really good genetics I get that much variationno expert expert, just a curious guy who needs new pots.