Best fluorescent tubes for 3 plants?


Well-Known Member
I plan on using tubes for my grow room, could i get some input on what ones i need to get for veg and flowering, thanks


Well-Known Member
I plan on using tubes for my grow room, could i get some input on what ones i need to get for veg and flowering, thanks
Start with all 6500 K then swap out half of them with 2700 K or 3000 K (whatever you can get) for flowering. You want T5 HO if possible.


Junior Creatologist
yeh dude, if your lookin to use tubes, go to, and check out theyre T5 bulb systems. If your growing with flourescents, those are definitely they way to go. excellent results with those.

Just remember if you have to use something else, Halogen doesnt work, Flourescents work if you have enough of them, and Blue/Whiteish spectrum-VEGETATIVE. Red/orangeish spectrum - FLOWERING. as long as you remember that, your golden. But if your just getting regular ones from home depot or walmart, your gonna have to look really good to make sure you have the right bulbs. If you go to a grow specialty store or website, then theyll have the specific bulbs you need no matter how you choose to grow, and the website i gave you has pretty reasonably priced stuff.

Another thing you can do is check that site for the type of lighting they have, and then go on ebay and search for those same lights. Usually you can get a pretty good deal on ebay, and alot of times its cheaper than going to the actual website or going to a dro store to pick up what you need. I order just about all of my equipment from ebay, and they havent lemme down yet man.

good luck!

-K1 :D


Well-Known Member
hell yea jus go to a specialty store like he said...cause i know yesterday i was at LOWES...N could NOT fine ONE "COOL WHITE" MINI TWIST Bulb for shit..they dont call them coolwhite...really nomore.. unless u are gettin straight cfl tubes which ur doin soo u should be good cause i saw a grip of those. nothin but BRIGHT WHITE and SOft white and DAYLIGHT WHICH TO ME LOOKS LIKE a lil bit kick BAck version of Bright white..hit up the hydro stores.


Well-Known Member
thanks, but idk if i can order stuff online yet.
just get a 150 watt HPS security light it's a lot less hassle more efficient than a whole whack of wrong spectrum fat tubes.
A couple CFls in 6500K spectrum (Daylight) will get your seeds going till you get a bigger light.


if you cant get t5s vho then get has many duel 40 watt t12s in cool whte and warm white they are like 10 bux a peace. so 80 watts over an area of 2-4 feet for 10 bux. not sure on lumens though. get like atleast 4-5 of them so you'll have 320-400 watts in diff spectrums. since they run cool your plants can actually touch the blubs and dont foget to keep them close!!


Well-Known Member
a quick run down of the fluorescent light confusion.
1st, the lower the K or kelvin number: the redder the spectrum( the best for the flowering or budding stage) is around the 3000K mark. Use the "Warm White" variation! 2nd, the higher the number ( the best for the vegetative period of growth) this would be 6500 K always pick the "Daylight" version for this light..... Each of these produce around 2000 lumens each.
So for 3 plants. Use a high reflective material (like the backside of reflective gift wrapping paper or emergency blankets, etc.) and walls. keep the plants close to the lights, give em the LST or scrogg treatment and 3, 48 inchers should do you well. Again the kelvins dictate the spectrum of light emitted to your plant. IT DOES NOT HAVE TO SAY PLANT GROW LIGHT on it!!!! wal-mart sells 32watt fixturesW/ballast for $15.00 bucks, 2pk 6500k(blue spectrum) bulbs for $10.00 and 2pk 3000k(red) bulbs for $6.00.... depending on size of growspace and reflectivity, you could get away with 2 of these lights. Holla if you have any questions and good luck, and God Bless.


Well-Known Member
aemlengthbuds.. im in VEG stage now .soo hey i got a DAYLIGHT CFL bulb 100W replacement useing 23W. light output is 1600 Lumens but on the bulb it says 35K , and on the package it says WHITE AND NATural...soo is that a good bulb for VEG??? OR for FLOWER.. cause the lumes are pretty low..