Best foliage spray

Whats the best home brew foliage sprays or bought ones like canna boost no pgr shit please
Well Canna Boost main active ingredient is Triacontanol. Many consider that a PGR, while it's a natural extracted phytohormone. It also has fulvic acid, amino acids and vitamins. Why bash PGR's when you don't know their effects?

It's very easy becoming a scared kid sitting and just reflecting everything he sees on the screen. Do your own investigational work.

PGR's have helped to save a lot of plants and genetics and as a result helping the natural biome. But of course there's bad PGR's, but saying "no PGR shit" is just plain stupid. Where do you draw the line between natural extracts and PGR's? That's up to you to decide. Cheers!
PGR depends on the PGR - ie must of us would say stay away from Paclobutrazol. Others aren't aren't as scarey. I like Nitrozyme and DynaGro Foliar (or Grow) for foliar sprays, but it also depends on why you're spraying. If I have a CalMg deficiecy, then I spray Calmg. If I'm dealing with stress issues, Superthrive would be in order. If I'm trying to get a smaller plant to catch up to a bigger plant pre-flip, I like DynaGro, BioWeed, Nitrozyme or Verde...
Then there is all the foliar options that deal with insects and fungus outbreaks/prevention.

I certainly don't think there is a best one, but there are a lot of good ones.
We have shit all in Oz im starting to learn keep away from the shops just aren't that good this is the best just room going im going to give dynagro a go
As @PadawanWarrior stated , simple Foliar sprays can be made. I mix up kelp , magnesium for veg use. Keep them plants green.

BUT as far as retail - I have used Optic Foliar Overgrow ..... I really had some great results using this . Plants literally are night and day.
I used it on clones / early veg and it was like liquid gold. On transplants, it preformed just as good.