best food to eat while stoned?


Well-Known Member
how do you do it? id love to make it for myself, must be better than heating it up from the box
Best thing i have ever eaten stoned....was on thanksgiving with one of my friends family they made actual homemade mashed potatoes with seasonings ( wish i knew which cause this shit was bomb!) the turkey and ham made my mouth orgasm ^^ and than there was this angel food cake they covered in peanut butter chocolate and caramel ( not in this order but you get the point) and it was yummy ^^


Active Member
all of you guys eat to much.. ha cut back on the munchies to drop those bricks and im not talking about the ones that come in the plastic packages X) but in your belly.


Active Member
I normally don't get the munchies. But when I do get the munchies, I have mixing bowl full of coocoo puffs or coco blast with chocolate milk and a glass of chocolate milk.