Well-Known Member
You both make good hash and use different teks, whodathunkit
I agree brother, it IS a cop-out.
They tend to mix multiple strains for certain dispensaries that don't have enough trim of a single strain to process, so they end up mixing 2,3 even 4 different strains.
Again, it's all about the mighty dollar.
It may be wise to do a little ” review research” on Weed Maps or Leafly or similar venue where you can read reviews.
Quality of resin differ with genetics and method of growing (grower). Ice water sieving is possible because the wax membranes that hold the resin are not water soluble.We never talked about full melt strains vs. non. Personally I figure if it's pure it'll melt. Resin is oil based and that's why ice wax is possible right?
I guess i'll just go back to beating my plants against the wall in my living room.
All this time I thought progression and new/different methods were welcome. My bad.
Lmao......Water of course. More accurately known as a ”Simple Solvent”
I typed a bunch of comments and deleted.
I know where this is going.
You make a valid point in the fact that I haven't tried anything from a shop in over a year.
But, I certainly don't believe I'm missing out on anything.
I can understand wanting to be a patient of Riverrock otherwise you cant buy anything worth a damn without taking out a bank loan.
CAM also, great reputation.
I again think you are taking this on a personal level Al..
I'm not knocking you or ”coming at you”
It's the dispensaries I'm hating on.
Like 40$-50-60$ for an eighth of ” Top Shelf” flower.
300$ for an oz.
To SICK patients looking for a natural alternative medicine.
50$+ for a gram of shatter.
Because it was allegedly a
” nug run”.
Price gouging sick people grinds my gears in a very very personal matter.
I am one of the sick patients Al... I love getting high as fuck, but this is also medicine for me.
If it were not for the underground community, I would not be able to afford the amount of medicine (cannabis) required to keep me healthy.
About 7 months ago, I was extremely sick, lost 80 lbs of body weight in less than a year.
A group of underground growers found me, and pulled me into their circle.
Ever since that day, my health did a complete 180..
Body weight is normalizing.....
And my blood-work is proving AMAZING effects from HEAVY cannabis therapy.
If I were to try and obtain the amount of Flower, oil, hash and edibles that is required...
I'd be homeless.
I've been lurking on this Concentrates forum for a while simply to drool and learn methods I can never practice (live in Texas).