Best gear for small grow


New Member
Hey guys first post on the forums been reading for a couple months now so figured it's about time to jump in and see what ur guys opinions are. I planted 5 reg seeds and 3 sprouted the other two sprouted a lil bit then died, so hoping the other 3 are females hah. But I just got them veg in a closet right now with 8 6700k CFLs and 2 2700k CFLs all 1600 lumens for now two weeks since sprout. I guess my question is how should I go about this I only wanna grow 3-5 plants for personal meds only. What's a good set up to get a decent yield say an oz. or two to a plant? Like lights/tent/exhaust fan/ carbon filter b.c I don't want to stink up the house during flower stages and want nice plants. I'm gonna be putting them in fox farm ocean soil and 3 gallon smart pots. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated I wanna do this the right way hah. Another question which u guys could just PM me the answer, but where's a good place to get seeds online tried ordering before but wasn't comfortable with the places seemed like a scam. But thanks fellas/ladies for taking the time to read my post and hopefully I will get some help! Haha ooo ya from US too so they gotta ship seeds discretely thanks!
I didn't read your post fully because i'm a bit cloudy.
I don't know anything about the lights you are using, haha newbie myself.

My setup ::
5 plants
4x4x7.5ft tent
600W HPS
Purchasing a carbon filter very soon now that I'm in flower.

Happy with everything at the moment on it, though probably going only one or two plants next round and focus heavier on topping, LST, mainlining. Still can get good yields from one or two plants if grown right. This site, the internet, and numerous books are a plethora of information on the subject.

Don't over complicate and just learn from every mistake, keep it really simple and give your plants love.

Seeds I got from Reserva Privada / DNA Genetics. Some places are weird if you don't live in a legal state / MMJ state.

Best of luck man. Search around this site, use the search bar and you can find just about any answer you are looking for, there is so much its overwhelming in a sense.

I picked up a SunHut XL 4x4 Product # 706785 for $140 at a local hydro store and I got a 600W HPS for $125 on craigslist which works perfectly. I am happy with that, though now in flower am in serious need of getting a carbon filter / fan as my ladies are starting to smell quite a bit, as well without a proper fan system I have to pay extra close attention to the plants for temps and humidity.

I am growing in FF Ocean Forest, but I started everything in FF Happy Frog - bit less intense with nutes which is good for seedlings. Next grow I am going to mix my own.
Heck yeah, this tent takes up a good portion of the room its in. I am going much much much smaller for my veg tent next round. Adds up price wise with all the equipment especially since I only grow for medicinal reasons, so my own money pays for it all haha.