Best Grinder Ever!


Well-Known Member
Just bought a cheap grinder for $5 a few weeks ago and I gotta say it is better than my age old method of using a pair of scissors......I've also used an electric coffee grinder to process herb to go into my dugout. With the coffee grinder I found it separates the plant matter from the kief which I then remix together to pack into the dugout.

Not sure why people like to seperate then store up the kief for later.....I just smoke it all the way it was meant to be smoked....thats just me though....Not to say I don't love hash cause I do but gotta wonder what they do with all the weed once they remove the trichomes???
Only a small percentage actually separates from the cannabis. There is still more than enough THC in the cannabis to get you high.. That being said, I also mix it back in to the joint or bowl each time. But only cause I can't smoke pure THC, it's to brutal on the lungs..

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
true that. fucked up threading is just an inevitable reality with metal grinders. you can use extra care, but over time it will happen anyway. most of mine go early because i tap it with a hammer to get extra kief and stuff that gets stuck in the screen but i swear to god this new grinder collects more kief than any other one and tapping is completely unneeded. i have no idea what a space case is though.
space cases = possibly over priced grinders

Mine cost about $100 but I say it was worth it. It's a solid piece of metal alright, well crafted for sure. I work with machined metal so I can actually say that from a professional point of view :bigjoint:

I got a 2 piece medium for $30. The 4 pieces are a lot more expensive but they are quality and I hear of people having them trouble free 8+ years

See attached pics... 1 large 4 piece titanium, 1 medium 2 piece titanium..


Total Head

Well-Known Member
looks like the one that i got but mine is clearly on the cheaper end quality-wise. lol i was pissed about 35 bucks. i got it soley for the crank though:hump: