Best Grow Light Ever

Is it just my eyes playing games,or indeed your light is pretty far for the tops?
And WOW that’s the hugest grow -tent ever.
Too far away from the tops but the damn hangers i ordered arent here yet so i had to top mount in that giant tent, which by the way took nearly 4.5billion years to set up... soooo many tent poles and supports and the instruction where vauge at best
That'll only cover a 9sq/ft area. You may want to add Co2 as well.

Id suggest going with a mars hydro personally
Craziest thing ever they just came out with this stuff called air, some people further break down the name into what each individual part is but get this full of oxygen and Co2, ready for plants to appreciate and people to breathe... those guys at mars really out did themselves this time with this new air stuff
That light isn't really that efficient, makes a lot of heat, most of the light doesn't hit your plant. lol
Too much heat infact there are so many hot spots in that giant tent, some places in the tent get over 100 degrees... oh and yes supposed to make you see in the dark if you can stare long enough directly into it
How's that work out for you in January?
Terrible, i have some smaller less efficient LED's i have to use in january, my enviromental control is locked on making 4 seasons so i take everything out of the big tent in october and move it in to the smaller more ecenomical tents
Hey guess what? doubling the plant count in my state... well its being pushed through legislature atm... i only have one issue because they want to increase numbers but they are taking away the differentiation between "mature" and "immature" plants. I feel like they are just actually making it easier to charge people for being over the limit... before you could have a certain number in flower and in veg at any given time but the numbers sucked and still do lol, still having the different stages being layed out gives you a good buffer because seedlings and clones are not "technically" considered in our statutes at all until the plant roots, and therefore a gray area was born and perpetuality is still reachable lol, now by not denonating one from the other and including clones into the statutes they are making it a much simpler matter to have a reason to enter your home and take your plants and put you in prison, at least thats how i feel... anyone care to disagree or agree peacefully lol, i just wanna know what you guys think about it. Is our state government trying to help us or are they trying to help themselves? Im guessing this is the last legislative push forward before retail sales is legalized here and their last ditch attempt to weed out all of our great underground ganja farmers by making it easier to warrant police into our homes. Lets just raise the count for flower and let the rest of the current statute alone or just make retail sales legal and give us some canopy footage so we dont have to deal with this bs plant count shit and people stop going to jail for growing fucking plants lol.
ding ding ding... We have a winner!
It will be voted in because its a fancy package wrapped around a pile of firecats and dog shit, they will light the wic, toss the package and watch all the people who have it blow up in their face... then 6 months later, after they ruin a bunch of peoples lives, they will push legalized sales through legislature, again filtering out the people who will actually be allowed to own or purchase a grow liscence because the rest of the people are now all convicted felons over some clones or something that cannot get people high. So they fabricate some bs, create their own controlable market, and weed out (pun intended) all of the competition so they can continue to control the market for as long as they like, mind you while all this recreational stuff is being tossed around in no way are they trying to improve on our medical side or make it any easier now to get a medical liscence to grow or purchase herb at a dispensary for medicinal use, basically they dont care, just need our money and dont want to raise our taxes too much in any one year to get it. Thats so we never really feel it till its too late lol, so they have no choice but to generate revenue by wrongly imprisoning people, with bullshit laws, into the junk corrections system we are stuck with and pay through the noise for... i could go on and on lol. I think its rediculous, then way back when, some clever people built some stupid people a really nice wooden horse as a gift of peace and relinquished their troops... funny how condoms hide all of our little soldiers and the number 1 brand is trojan haha...