Best High Food/Drink

sunny delight is super bomb when you are coffin your lungs up from a dank ass hit.It helps me stop coffin cause its so smooth and bomb.
carne asada fries for the food. real carne asada. socal carne asada that was cooked by a mexican. lol.
arizona teas. best drink ever all us stoners have like 30 different flavors to choose from. not to mention they are only a buck. lmao.
Arnold Palmer's Half Lemonade Half Tea

Cereal is kind of amazing too though because it fills you up and quenches your thirst...
Brownies baked with almonds on top and a cup of milk.

Grilled cheese, ice tea, and cashews


Cup of cold orange juice.

Drink = possibly a nice glass of water. (Or Monster energy if i have any left)
Food = cookies or a big bowl of cereal
Rice crispy treats
Orange soda
Breakfast burritos from a REAL mexican food joint with extra bacon
