Best Hours 4~ HPS?


Active Member
I know something of the billing costs. Hydro store staff told me not to wrry about pigs and their heat scanners. And the whole cooling off in the day. My scheduele is 18/6. 600w hps. To minimize tje cost. Turn on the lights all night until morning. And afternoon evening to have it off?
All positive tips ppreciated


Active Member
Its going to run your bill the same no matter when you have it on or turn it off its not like at night the 600watt light uses less wattage then during the day. Its a 600watt light it uses the same wattage no matter when you have it on. Keeping the plants under 18/6 instead of 24/0 lights will def be cheaper since the light will be turned off for 6 hours during the day instead of constantly on. I would just keep it on at night and turn it off from like 12-6 in the afternoon which is when the day is the hottest this will keep your room temps cooler so the plants dont get heat stress and burn.


Active Member
One 600watt hps will not get hot enough for cops to detect its only one 600watt light if he had like 3-4 i would be worried but one light on a scanner can look like anything, it will just come up as a little heat spot as if he had like 2-4 lights it would be a big heat spot area that would come up on there scanner


Active Member
i do light on at night, and off during the evening. The main reason is heat. its cooler at night so i dont have to worry as much and helps me control heat issues. Just make sure your room is completly dark during off.


Active Member
fosho have thought about all these answers but forgot lol... well okay am on only support havent started working. what about changing 18/6 hrs to 15/9?
or 17/7?


Active Member
You should really give them atleast 18 hours of light during the veg cycle. Its only 1 600 watt hps its not going to do anything crazy to your electric bill. It will probly use as much electricity as if you were to put another tv in your house. Not like your running 6 1000 watt lights. You should barley notive the difference in your bill i think my 600 watt hps made my bill go up like 10-15 bucks a month and it was on 24 hours a day


Active Member
k thanks other ?
better run it off at 12p back on at 6evening?
better cost?
check out my grow.
have little grow closed off by white plastic bag is it a hazarD?