white widow gives you the best of them all. It doesn't necessarily yield as much as PP, big bud, chronic, etc. but its does pack on some weight, crystal covered buds, and a great smoke.
Don't even worry about yield.. Any strain will yield enough to get you to your next crop if grown successfully.. Seedsman has some great value for the price.. As does BC Seed King.. If its your first time I wouldn't spend too much since there are alot of good options for less..
Seedsman's Skunk#1 are beautiful producers that tend to be very uniform (Its a classic strain).. That can be a real godsend for a new grower..
Nobody ever complains about WW either, but these days WW can vary quite a bit, so you'd want to research opinions on the best WW.. (Ironically I think the original WW is now called Black Widow)..