Best inexpensive light setup


im looking for a light that I can sprout seeds to put outside with and also one I can veg and flower 2-3 plants about 2-3 feet tall. I don’t know much about indoor growing or light spectrums but what are some inexpensive(~$100) lights I can accomplish this with? I was thinking maybe the black magic 45w or the higrow 600w but I don’t know how big of a area they can provide light to. I’m planning on getting a cheap grow tent with it and some fans, but smell is not an issue so I won’t need a carbon filter or anything. Any help or advice is appreciated. Planning on sprouting seeds before outdoor season on 13/11 to put out early in the season in March at a decent size. Also am planning on growing and flowering with the light and maybe afew autos

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
im looking for a light that I can sprout seeds to put outside with and also one I can veg and flower 2-3 plants about 2-3 feet tall. I don’t know much about indoor growing or light spectrums but what are some inexpensive(~$100) lights I can accomplish this with? I was thinking maybe the black magic 45w or the higrow 600w but I don’t know how big of a area they can provide light to. I’m planning on getting a cheap grow tent with it and some fans, but smell is not an issue so I won’t need a carbon filter or anything. Any help or advice is appreciated. Planning on sprouting seeds before outdoor season on 13/11 to put out early in the season in March at a decent size. Also am planning on growing and flowering with the light and maybe afew autos
This would be my choice,aps,257&sr=8-3


Well-Known Member
That higrow 600w is a 120w light. you can flower 1.5x1.5ft (that's a small plant)
You can veg probably 2x3ft space.
You could probably start seeds under it if its 2ft away. Maybe covering 3x3.

Just for starting seeds all you need is a 2ft tube or a couple of 20w cfl bulbs or household LEDs in a standard bedside lamp.

For flowering I would not waste my time on that light.

That light herb n suds linked is a hell of a deal.
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That higrow 600w is a 120w light. you can flower 1.5x1.5ft (that's a small plant)
You can veg probably 2x3ft space.
You could probably start seeds under it if its 2ft away. Maybe covering 3x3.

Just for starting seeds all you need is a 2ft tube or a couple of 20w cfl bulbs or household LEDs in a standard bedside lamp.

For flowering I would waste my time on that light.

That light herb n suds linked is a hell of a deal.
You would or wouldn’t waste your time with flowering with the hi grow?


Well-Known Member
Growing indoors is way different then you'll have lots to learn. Basic kight intensity shorthand is the watts per square foot. For HIDs...the guidelines are something like 25-30 watts/sf for vegging and 40+watts/sf for flowering.

A 400w light should be ok in a 3x3 area (or a CMH 315 due to increased efficiency)...

LEDs...well that's sort of a bucket of worms.
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Well-Known Member
Buy e27 (incandescent base) string 3000k 15w led lights (100w equivalent) cut led globe off...

If no string 3 bathroom vanities (3-4 light)..get pc computer cable and end off and connect to vanity.. Attach to plastic storage shelf..attach chain to eye hooks..It will flower 2 hybrid plants..keep 4-5 inches from canopy..

Vanity..$15 us..led..$2 each..

I have 2 vanities + 7-1 light adapter (3rd vanity would be better light spread..flowering a hybrid and pure sativa.. I am using 2700k..3000k..5000k leds..

150hps is great too.. Cmh315 is an awesome light that will keep u happy for years.

Good luck


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Well-Known Member
Hlg 65 is $100 and would start seeds nicely.

But if you are wanting to flower indoors, I'd at least double the lighting budget, and that is still being thrifty for new equipment.

But deals on stuff can be found all the time or learning to diy can cut costs considerably..

Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
The spider farmer 1200 is on sale atm. Think it's 275w and fully adjustable both veg and bloom dials. Only $160 aud$ bout 100us? Any way it would scale down to 50w nicely. Then upto max to flower one big plant or a couple possibly small if you push it


Well-Known Member
I'd personally shell out the money for the 315 cmh. It will pay for the little bit of extra cost on the first run. If you got the money get one that comes with the Phillips 315 bulb. Htg supply and Amazon both have good deals on fixtures that have the Phillips bulb. It's going to far surpass any cheap led you find. You will need an exhaust fan though. But even on my worst run under one I hit 8 ounces. Latest harvest from them I pulled 12.5 zips from one and 11.5 from the other. Both running in cheap 3x3 tents from Amazon (1 fixture per tent). More is possible depending on strain and how well you train your plants. If it must be led then I'd go with the highest real watt fixture you can find in your budget. (Not the equivlant watts)


Active Member
I'll start with shamelessly posting a link to my fresh new thread because it's pretty accurate to your issue!

Household screw-in leds are a very good option if you use enough and get rid of the plastic diffuser thing.
All the details are in my post but here's a pic so you can get the idea before bothering to click! :bigjoint: I think the cost of everything should sit right around 80$ (with the paint included so you're looking at a 60$ grow-light if you go the pragmatic way)