Best living soil option (cost-wise) for a commercial grow.


Well-Known Member
What are my options for living soil that won't break me? I looked at roots lush because I found a place that has it by the pallet for like 17.99 per 1.5 cubic foot bag. But I'm needing around 67 cubic yards of soil just to fill the outdoor pots, and that's only for 400 plants, I was hoping to put down atleast 1000 plants this year but it doesn't seem in the cards financially just yet. im wondering if anyone knows of anything a little cheaper? Or a living soil recipe that's more of a bulk type recipe made with freely aquired manure, top soil, etc... I understand that the bagged living soil is pretty much turn key which is why it's more expensive but there must me a more affordable option right? Im new to living soil so this is a learning process for me.. This venture has cost me so much money, I'm just trying to save where I can. Any advice is welcome, and thank you in advance!
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What are my options for living soil that won't break me? I looked at roots lush because I found a place that has it by the pallet for like 17.99 per 1.5 cubic foot bag. But I'm needing around 67 cubic yards of soil just to fill the outdoor pots, and that's only for 400 plants, I was hoping to put down atleast 1000 plats this year but it doesn't seem in the cards financially just yet. im wondering if anyone knows of anything a little cheaper? Or a living soil recipe that's more of a bulk type recipe made with freely aquired manure, top soil, etc... I understand that the bagged living soil is pretty much turn key which is why it's more expensive but there must me a more affordable option right? Im new to living soil so this is a learning process for me.. This venture has cost me so much money, I'm just trying to save where I can. Any advice is welcome, and thank you in advance!
You should learn to grow in living soil, on a smaller scale, first. Though, imo, it's easy to do, there is a learning curve.
The cheapest will be to seek out and acquire as many components locally in bulk that you can. But first you should build your own Cootz mix or something so you know you have a recipe that will work in your setup. And you should also insist on heavy metal tests for each soil amendment. You don't want to fail testing for heavy metals after you've spent a ton of $$$. Living soil (with rock dust and such) has the highest heavy metal load of any common growing style. California, Oregon, and Wa (prob others too) all have great websites that list 3rd party heavy metal testing for nutrients and lots of other types of soil amendments and media, here is the Ca one
I’d advise against trying to do a commercial grow with a medium you aren’t familiar with. Especially if it is already a stretch financially. If you are doing commercial with living soil, you absolutely need to be familiar with doing soil tests and amending your soil based on the results. That will all add to your costs. No bagged soils are suitable for this.
Your best bet is finding a company that does bulk delivery and specializes in cannabis specific soil. Hopefully one that does soil analysis and can provide test results and consultation.
You should learn to grow in living soil, on a smaller scale, first. Though, imo, it's easy to do, there is a learning curve.
I’d advise against trying to do a commercial grow with a medium you aren’t familiar with. Especially if it is already a stretch financially. If you are doing commercial with living soil, you absolutely need to be familiar with doing soil tests and amending your soil based on the results. That will all add to your costs. No bagged soils are suitable for this.
Your best bet is finding a company that does bulk delivery and specializes in cannabis specific soil. Hopefully one that does soil analysis and can provide test results and consultation.
I agree completely, I plan on using it indoors first to get a feel for it, we still have a few months before anything can go outside anyways. Thanks for the advice.
The cheapest will be to seek out and acquire as many components locally in bulk that you can. But first you should build your own Cootz mix or something so you know you have a recipe that will work in your setup. And you should also insist on heavy metal tests for each soil amendment. You don't want to fail testing for heavy metals after you've spent a ton of $$$. Living soil (with rock dust and such) has the highest heavy metal load of any common growing style. California, Oregon, and Wa (prob others too) all have great websites that list 3rd party heavy metal testing for nutrients and lots of other types of soil amendments and media, here is the Ca one
Bro this! I found a nursery that makes a living soil and it's only like $400 for 2 cubic yards. That's the best price I've seen so far. And they say its tested for heavy metals and made for medical marijuana, im asking around to get info on it but it sounds promising.
What are my options for living soil that won't break me? I looked at roots lush because I found a place that has it by the pallet for like 17.99 per 1.5 cubic foot bag. But I'm needing around 67 cubic yards of soil just to fill the outdoor pots, and that's only for 400 plants, I was hoping to put down atleast 1000 plants this year but it doesn't seem in the cards financially just yet. im wondering if anyone knows of anything a little cheaper? Or a living soil recipe that's more of a bulk type recipe made with freely aquired manure, top soil, etc... I understand that the bagged living soil is pretty much turn key which is why it's more expensive but there must me a more affordable option right? Im new to living soil so this is a learning process for me.. This venture has cost me so much money, I'm just trying to save where I can. Any advice is welcome, and thank you in advance!