best meteor shower pic contest


Well-Known Member
i only saw like 1. seemed ok. i was expecting like amargeddon style. but i was getting tired. too much weed lol. plus it was a long drive back from the country roads. but the skies were clear though so that was good.

nothing like chillin in the middle of no where with food, your girl, some bowls, and a 40.

it was funny cuz there was a bunch of people parked all along the sides of the roads. people were grilling and everything.


New Member
I always enjoy being out at night so it's not a chore to me. Just make it fun and smoke some weed! Get naked!!! :lol:


New Member
That's the spirit!!

headline tomorrow.

Naked man smoking spliff eludes police chase through woods. Claims to be streaking for meteor streaks. "look, I'm a meteor!!", while showing his tail....

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
wow no pics that sucks stevie
that shit sucked anyways for Mass
cloudy and rainy
i saw like 4 faint ones but thats it


Well-Known Member
I saw a couple ones, but I didnt want to stay up until 4 am to see some streaks.

yeah i smoked too much and got real sleepy. i was with little miss sunshine and she passed out drunk at 1130 lol... so i headed home early checking out the window every now and then.


Active Member
yeah... but I love stars no matter how they come, and I love wishing on shooting stars!
how you doing fried?