best method?


i have 10 autoflowering lowryder seeds. my growcloset is 55cm high 95cm wide 40cm deep. i have 300w of cfls(cold spectrum) il be buying the flowering lights later.
my question will be which would be better.
either i buy 10 5l pots and go sog method or i buy 3 14l pots and go with that method.
which way would i get bigger yield?
i cant grow in the summer so the bigger yield i get the better.
in autumn i'l be buying a different strain and going sog with cloning then.


Active Member
I'd go 10 smaller pots. Even with a bigger pot lowryder doesn't seem to branch all that much. So if you only grew 3 plants you wouldn't see more yield than if you grew 10 in smaller pots I don't think. It's not like you can veg them bigger for more yield with autos to make the bigger pots worth it. With only a 3 week veg your plant wont need much room for roots but 5l may be a little on the small side. I'd try to find some tall skinny square pots to maximize gals while minimizing area.


Active Member
It might not be too small. I actually have a buddy growing AK48 in 5 liter pots. I'm from the US tho so I use gallons but I think 5L is like a little over a gallon. Which could work, I'm sure it will, but plants root systems are somewhat mirrored up above the soil. So if your roots get cramped it will show in your yield. I don't know what sizes you have available but I'd say 8L which would bring you closer to 2 gallons (i think) would definitely be safe size wise. Dont try to squeeze in pots that don't fit but I'm just saying if taller pots are available you might want to get them to be safe. Should be fine though if you water properly so roots don't stretch... saturate until dripping out bottom, then letting dry up well before saturating again.


When buying a pot for your autoflowering cannabis plant you need to know how small or big to get it and that can be a bit tricky. There are many opinions out there of how big or small should the pot be but the truth is that no two plants are exactly the same and before choosing the right pot size you need to think about some aspects that affects your decision.

Regular strains have a great rules determining the pot size and they are – you should get a gallon (3,7 liters) of pot for each month that the plant will be alive or you could just anticipate how big your plant will become and get a gallon for each foot (30,4 cm) of growth. So if your plant will grow 5 months you need a 5 gallon (18,5 liter) pot.

With auto flowering plants it’s not easy to chose the pot size because you need to think not only about the time how long will your plant live, but you need to also think about the size of the plant and how big you want it to get. Most people choose auto-flowering cannabis because their growing space is limited and they can’t grow plants that stretch 1 or 2 meters (3,2 or 6,5 feet) in height and pot size can greatly affect the plants height. If you plant your autoflower cannabis seed in a small container like “Dixie cup” then it will stay short because it will become pot bound (root bound) fast and that will stress the plant slowing down the growth.
Auto flower marijuana plants don’t grow more than 18 inches (45cm) in height and they usually are ready to harvest in less than two months. If we know these numbers then we can calculate that the perfect pot size for auto flower plants should be 1,5 to 2,5 gallons (5,6 to 9,4 liters). These numbers that we came up with are in fact very accurate and any experienced grower will tell you that if you want your auto-flower plant to reach maximum potential then you shouldn’t get a pot that can hold less than 1 gallon (3,7 liters) and getting a pot more than 3 gallons(11,3 liters) will be waste of money and dirt because the plant can’t grow so much root mass in two months to fill a 3 liter pot.

The perfect pot size is somewhere between these numbers and every grower that want to maximize the yield and doesn’t want to waste any growing space or dirt must try different pot sizes and see how the particular strain grows in different sizes and see what is the perfect pot size for it!



very nice post, and yes i received several other suggestions saying that 7l or 8l is the way to go, so definetly thanks for your help, i appreciate it..