Best Movie To Watch While High!

I have seen every movie and I have been extremely high for 38 years straight. I am just scratching the surface here... When you are STONED this is the list! The Toxic Avenger, Half Baked, Scary Movie 1 and 2, The Shining, The Raid: Redemption, Childs Play, Witchboard, Evil Dead 2, Krampus (I watch every Christmas Eve), Heavy Metal, Matrix, 2012, Room 1408, Cheech & Chong's Up in Smoke and Next Movie, Grandmas Boy, Pee Wees Big Adventure, Sleepaway Camp, In the Mouth of Madness, Return of the Living Dead, Reanimator...
This is THE movie to watch:

Ps. If you have a weak psyche, you should not smoke weed, let alone watch this movie and smoke weed.
Too many but obviously, The life of Brian. John Cleese and the lot. Giggles just thinkin bout it sober
I have seen every movie and I have been extremely high for 38 years straight. I am just scratching the surface here... When you are STONED this is the list! The Toxic Avenger, Half Baked, Scary Movie 1 and 2, The Shining, The Raid: Redemption, Childs Play, Witchboard, Evil Dead 2, Krampus (I watch every Christmas Eve), Heavy Metal, Matrix, 2012, Room 1408, Cheech & Chong's Up in Smoke and Next Movie, Grandmas Boy, Pee Wees Big Adventure, Sleepaway Camp, In the Mouth of Madness, Return of the Living Dead, Reanimator...
sleepaway camp 2 and 3 are good, sleepaway camp 1 is horrible... and not in a good way... it's just really, really bad.
Haha i just recently downloaded some of the toxic avenger movies and going to watch them when the time is right. I was really young when i saw them the last time, maybe like 7 or 8 and there were all sorts of toys around it, and some cartoon also i think
Toxic Avenger 4 crossed too many lines and could possibly be the most politically incorrect movie ever made. Awesome!
sleepaway camp 2 and 3 are good, sleepaway camp 1 is horrible... and not in a good way... it's just really, really bad.
I liked 1 but I feel like they ran out of time and $ and just stuck her head on some dudes body, THE END! I loved 2 and 3, Bruces sister Pamela Springsteen was awesome!
why do people watch stoner movies when theyre wiped. theyre all crap in my opinion sorry. go back and watch cheech and chong again. its terrible. a good mind bender works a treat. ive seen inception 5 times and still couldnt tell you whats going on. and i suppose you all knew there was a tunnel behind that poster in shawshank redemption. lol
"still couldnt tell you whats going on" Is that because you're stoned?

You should watch Primer, and "FAQ about time travel".

I'm sorry but I can't hold a lot of respect for anyone who call Cheech & Chong "terrible". Maybe it only appeals to certain people, but you're being a twat by making that blanket statement.