The Twilight Zone episodes from the sixty's are trippy as shit when your high.
Dazed and Confused is amazing sober and its a million times better high
The Wall that movie is effin crazy.
or any shitty movie on scyfy is awesome when baked.
EDIT: Fear and Loathing is funny and it makes you think about shit that they say so its like a total dubble whammy.
Also Anchorman.
My favourite movie is "The Business", its about british criminals who live in spain and get rich off smuggling morrocan hash and eventually cocaine. It's a fucking awesome movie!
I know this one is really mind blowing.... I really like this... and after this I think I have to Watch Four Tanks And A Healer Movie this one is really great movie.. and this will be really great to Watch this after this movie...
The other night after everyone went to bed I sat on the couch & put on "The Grapes of Wrath" with a very young Henry Fonda (I think.) Its a VERY old black & white made sometime in the 40;s. About the farmers from Oklahoma during the depression going west to California & all that entails.
Its a classic!
I have no idea why but I really enjoyed watching it stoned. It really made you think.
I relaly like to watch the deep epiocs when stoned. JFK, 7 years in Tibet, The Postman, The seige, Ben Hur, NOt much into comedies when stoned, which really makes no sense.. Will have to watch one this weekend & give report..