Best Movie To Watch While High!

Joe Dirt- all time favorite- "I seen ur bumpersticker queer, cowboy butts drive me nutts"

SOOOOOPER TROOOOOOOPERS, the snozeberries taste like... snozeberries.

Idiocracy, If you dont smoke terryltons, FUCK YOU!
The Twilight Zone episodes from the sixty's are trippy as shit when your high.
Dazed and Confused is amazing sober and its a million times better high
The Wall that movie is effin crazy.
or any shitty movie on scyfy is awesome when baked.
EDIT: Fear and Loathing is funny and it makes you think about shit that they say so its like a total dubble whammy.
Also Anchorman.
New One.. Dinner for Smucks, its like fart humor that makes you think, always remember... The brain tells the mind what to think.
porn movies are the best, you understand them totally different while stoned.

beside this, the best comedy ever,The Big Lebowski.
My favourite movie is "The Business", its about british criminals who live in spain and get rich off smuggling morrocan hash and eventually cocaine. It's a fucking awesome movie!

Aswell Hot tub timemachine is a hilarious movie
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The other night after everyone went to bed I sat on the couch & put on "The Grapes of Wrath" with a very young Henry Fonda (I think.) Its a VERY old black & white made sometime in the 40;s. About the farmers from Oklahoma during the depression going west to California & all that entails.

Its a classic!

I have no idea why but I really enjoyed watching it stoned. It really made you think.

I relaly like to watch the deep epiocs when stoned. JFK, 7 years in Tibet, The Postman, The seige, Ben Hur, NOt much into comedies when stoned, which really makes no sense.. Will have to watch one this weekend & give report..
