Best Movie To Watch While High!

Call it cliche, but I like the evil evilbong series and other low budget films like it. My favorite thing of all is getting ripped, riding a four wheeler out where people rarely go, and watching nature.
I have seen Bee Movie several times from babysitting family, working at the theatre when it was there and watching on my own. Yesterday I was hurting from a sunburn and burning muscles from 3hrs of play in the pool with my nieces. So I drugged myself up on some Bruce Banger, which helped the pain, but my gawd did it make this movie funny as shit high.
While my insomnia kicks my ass :blsmoke:

Waking Life - By Richard Linklater
I've finally was prescribed 9 pills ( every night)to take to get some sleep. Went 3 weeks on about 6hrs of sleep. A real nightmare, nightime would roll around and I'd start getting very nervous, worrying about trying to sleep....yadayada, sorry, I'm smoked.