Best Nutrients


Well-Known Member
all i know is i know a grower with a 1000w and 5x5 tent and he was bragging to me about his AN nutrients saying its 100% money back guarantee, i asked him what his last yield was and he proudly claimed 1 lb at which i laughed because thats not even worth being that proud over with a his electricity bill and 600 in nutrients. i was wrong to say all fertilizers are the same but i ment to say the grower will make most of the difference, and if your not that experienced of a grower why throw money away on extra expensive nutrients to waste during the learning process. and in general for less experienced growers save your money on expensive nutrients and work on getting hours in the garden first


thanks everyone for your replies. it has been good stuff. I'm just on my first real strain. grew some reg seeds before but not like El Nino. it is totally different growing experience than the other seeds I grew.


screw advanced! green planet is where its at, GP's product massive replaces like 10 of advanced! try green planets medi-one as well, they BEAT advanced nutrients in growing the best medical marijuana with medi-one, winning the cannabis cup at the treating yourself expo in toronto! so like i said...advanced planet rocks.